intel 3945abg linux driver install

hello frndz, m very new to linux backtrack3..i have live cd dv2000 has intel 3945abg card..bt3 has its drivers

loaded wen i run kismet is not working nor the option in misc-load ipw 3945abg wporking nor airodump...actually i

have downloaded some drivers of my card from internet wich r in tar i need some step by step instructions how to

install dese drivers..plz if sum1 cud help

thnx in advance

I think as you are talking about linux problems and drivers for linux, you would be better of posting on one of the linux forums where they specialise in things like that.

A little tip.. please try to explain your self more clearly, writing things like plz if sum1 cud make be okay for a text on your mobile, but it's not really suitable for explaining your problem on a forum. :)

I'm not familiar with that card but it sounds like ndiswrapper may be needed.

I think as you are talking about linux problems and drivers for linux, you would be better of posting on one of the linux forums where they specialise in things like that.

A little tip.. please try to explain your self more clearly, writing things like plz if sum1 cud make be okay for a text on your mobile, but it's not really suitable for explaining your problem on a forum. :)

thank you hazelnut ..i will keep ur advice in mind