sometimes there are orphaned files and folders in the program files -> InstallShield Installation Information directory
maybe cccleaner could locate those files and delete them
sometimes there are orphaned files and folders in the program files -> InstallShield Installation Information directory
maybe cccleaner could locate those files and delete them
sometimes there are orphaned files and folders in the program files -> InstallShield Installation Information directory
maybe cccleaner could locate those files and delete them
you can also choose to delete these files yourself using the Custom folders option.
Maybe eventually this will be added to a later version.
this would be great, because the files takes up very much space
It's now an add-on in winapp2.ini.
My question and/or concern is will cleaning out the whole folder contents break something?
I was wondering that myself, I guess we will see. I just reformatted the other day and I only had 2 folders. It was just setup files, I cleaned them, and haven't had a problem yet.
I was wondering that myself, I guess we will see. I just reformatted the other day and I only had 2 folders. It was just setup files, I cleaned them, and haven't had a problem yet.
Umm... I wish you would have made a post about this before TM. I just put the new winapp2.ini in CCleaner today and didn't know you were testing something. I just used CCleaner and hadn't had any problems though.
On another note when I was using CCleaner I got a strange error that said something about cookie permission and then it cleaned all of my cookies, even the ones in my exclude lists. It could be caused by the fact that I'm using firerfox 1.5 RC1 but it didn't happen the next time I cleaned.
I was wondering that myself, I guess we will see.
Well the reason I'm wondering is because there's some Setup.ilg files that have uninstall information that pertains to Install Shield itself.
Also removing the contents of the folder will mean if there's broken programs that can self-heal, e.g. Repair Installation/Reinstall will no longer work -- at least those created with Install Shield.
Just thought I'd add my experience publicly as well. I have already sent TwistedMetal my experience. I have already found just what Andavari talks about above. I was unable touninstall applications installed by InstallShield. So I have edited winapp2.ini to remove that entry. I was surprised that this addition was not flagged in the Updated entry.
I already said what I thought about this. But thefly there is a simple solution to your problem just reinstall all of your programs that use install shield.
I already said what I thought about this. But thefly there is a simple solution to your problem just reinstall all of your programs that use install shield.
Hi rridgely. That is just what I did. But that's not surely the point of CCleaner or winapp2.ini. It should be deleting or clearing unnecessary junk not stuff that might be useful.
I agree with you completely. I think its a good idea for TM to remove that entry from winapp2.ini.
Which he has I see. Great News.
I removed it early this morning after a few pms I got.