Installs Google Toolbar - not cool

CCleaner is a great product. It's unfortunate that the user doesn't get to decide whether or not to install the Google Toolbar. I thought first maybe I didn't deselect the install option, so I uninstalled (and uninstalling the Google Toobar as well) then restarted the computer. Then I reinstalled it, reading CAREFULLY that I did need to uncheck the option to install Google Toolbar, and again, the Google Toolbar was added to my Internet Explorer browser. Easy enough to uninstall, but not cool.

This shouldn't happen...sometimes the screen about the Google Toolbar (or Chrome) takes a little while to appear.

I've just downloaded and ran the installers from the Piriform and the FileHippo locations, and there isn't a Google Toolbar anywhere in the install, which I noticed when I last updated.

In case I'm going crazy, I've just fully installed the latest version from both sites again, carefully, checked all browsers, and there isn't a toolbar to be seen.

Where did you download CCleaner from?

EDIT: Nothing "Chrome" either.


In case I'm going crazy, I've just fully installed the latest version from both sites again, carefully, checked all browsers, and there isn't a toolbar to be seen.


Dennis, I think you may be sane...for the time being. 'Course, I may not be a good judge of that...

I just did the same thing, downloaded & installed latest ver. CCleaner.

No warnings, no boxes, just installed normally.

Then went through the registry, removed everything called ccleaner and Piri and reinstalled latest ver.

Bingo, the install google chrome option showed up.

And if you uncheck the 2 boxes, bottom one first, google chrome is not installed.

Conclusion: If you have registry entries from an erlier installation, those affect the reinstallation.

- I already had it installed with the no google option, so that is how it reinstalled.

- After removing all the reg entries, it installed like a new installation.

Picture of the google option from the "new" Installation.


Edit here: editing the registry is dangerous. Don't do it unless you know what you are doing.

Thank you my friend.

I must have missed that somewhere, as I've never seen it mentioned. There had to be some logical reason besides my sanity crossing that narrow line from whence there's no return. It's bad enough having the memory cells jumping ship in ever increasing numbers.

I would add though, that there's always been an opt out choice, so maybe the OP had a dodgy installer.

As well there is slim and Portable build which do not carry the toolbar/chrome installers.

Really this topic is a non-starter (per se though I do understand the need for concern) as all the user who feels toolbar/chrome has been forced onto them has to do is unstall that toolbar/chrome.

Remember folks, CCleaner and other Piriform products are completly free and the developers do deserve to get at least some revenue, bundled product provide this revenue


Remember folks, CCleaner and other Piriform products are completly free and the developers do deserve to get at least some revenue, bundled product provide this revenue

Quite so.

I just never understood, until now, why some say they can't avoid installing it. Thought I might share what I found out. I always uninstall everything completely, therefore always see the google option pop up when installing ccleaner.

Zat mean I actually discovered something? I should notify the media. 12.gif

Well I'm just sitting here rubbing my worry beads hoping some kind soul will say "I didn't know that either", but I'm not holding my breath.

Apologies for drifting slightly off your original question sluggingscrubber, can you confirm where you downloaded CCleaner from? Although it's not a big issue to you, it doesn't come across as very good to have CCleaner installers not showing the opt out screen.

Maybe it was as Aethec mentioned above, and it was slow in making it's appearance.

...Although it's not a big issue to you, it doesn't come across as very good to have CCleaner installers not showing the opt out screen.

That was the reason for my post.

I have never seen a situation where it was impossible to prevent installing google.

I'm thinking of many potential customers who (like me) would have nothing to do with CCleaner if they thought that was true.

Now I know one reason why that seems to happen.

I believe that the offer is based on this set of reg keys


My first time here. Is everybody always so whiney & grumpy?

My first time here. Is everybody always so whiney & grumpy?

No, not at all, you just happen to have hit on a whiney grumpy thread :)

Don't forget this is the bug reporting area of the forum and folk do get a bit tetchy when they have a piece of software that doesn't work as they expect.

Look around other areas of the forum such as the lounge if you want to see different types of threads.

Welcome to the forum mikeh :)

Mmmmm, I can't see anything whiney or grumpy in this thread, just some regular members who've known each other long enough to swap some humorous banter.

This must be one of those "appearances can be deceptive" things.

Welcome from me too mikeh.