Installing Firefox/mozilla

I have a question about Firefox/Mozilla Browser. I currently am using Windows Internet Explorer 7.0. Do I need to unistall Internet Explorer 7.0 before installing Firefox/Mozilla.? I would also like to know if Firefox has a Phishing Filter.

No you don't need to uninstall internet explorer. (actually you can't uninstall it without messing up your pc).

Firefox does have a fishing filter but there is also the mcaffee site advisor plug in for it as well.

Hey KS-FINN. Somebody that knows more will help You soon. But NO Dont uninstall IE, You can use them side by side . when I had it I had it on My desktop. I got rid of it Because I had other problems. But am going to download it again. I cant tell You about the phishing filter. But everyone here says it,s much safer than IE. Hope this helps a little. Cowboy. Oopps sorry I type to slow


Of course you don't need to uninstall Internet Explorer 7.0 before installing Mozilla Firefox. They're two completely separate products and you can have both installed at the same time, as a matter of fact, you can even use both at the same time. Mozilla Firefox is a great browser, I really recommend it!

And yes, Mozilla Firefox does have a phishing filter.

:rolleyes: Thanks for every ones help. Ill download it tonight.


I always used IE6, and downloaded Firefox out of curiosity.

When I first got this computer, I didn`t actually realise that there was an alternative to IE.

I dowloaded IE7 just after it came out, and thought it was really good, especially with the tabbed browsing. However, I still occasionally got the dreaded "Internet Explorer is not responding, and will have to close".

I now use Firefox2 99% of the time, and it has never, so far, failed on me. (I`m probably tempting providence saying that).

The 1% I use IE7 for, is visiting the microsoft update site. Which I respectfully hope is something you do.


:rolleyes: Thanks for every ones help. Ill download it tonight.

Firefox is a wonderful browser. Lots of very knowledgeable people here use it. If you ever have any problems with it, make this foum your first port of call.

Yeah FireFox is a fast and a reliable Browser. But you can't uninstall IE7, it just rolls back to IE6 -_-

But you can't uninstall IE7, it just rolls back to IE6 -_-

That is exactly what I did a few weeks ago, rolled back to IE6.

mozilla is just so cool,you will fall in love with it.ive only been using it 6months,cant believe i stook with IE that long,old habits die hard eh.check out those kool add-ons like foxytunes which lets u control ur music in ur browser,or videodownloader which will let u rip vids off youtube.although i think IE is starting to get those now :(

if ya didnt need IE for microsoft updates,i literally wud never use it,like most people