Installing CCleaner


Can someone please tell me why, after installing CCleaner, there is no icon for it on my wife's desktop but there is a setup file?

Does that mean that I have to install it again for my wife to use it?

I am using Win7 on a new computer.

Thanks in anticipation.

That's an age old "issue" as it only installs the icons for the user profile it was installed on.

To make it accessible for all users copy the shortcut to the All Users Desktop, and All Users Start Menu, or just manually create a shortcut pointing to it in those places.

If everyone on your system is going to be using it I'd recommend everyone read the official documentation:

Thanks for the reply Andavari.

What you say is very interesting because on my old comp running XP my wife and I have used it with no problems.I just installed it like any other program and it was on both our desktops.

I wonder if its something peculiar to Win7?

My daughter and I have separate and private profiles.

There are other profiles, especially the All User profile.

Each of these 3 (and some others) have a desktop.

Any desk-top link and icon that is (by default) added to the current user desktop does not appear to the other user.

If I fight the default I can plant the link/icon in the All User profile desktop, then every-one has access.

I use XP Home + SP3 and you use Windows 7. They are both exhibiting the same default behaviour.

Perhaps you were using a different flavour of XP, or it had been configured with different defaults.


Perhaps you were using a different flavour of XP, or it had been configured with different defaults.

Allot of people share the same profile though. Although it would be advisable for Piriform to at least put the shortcuts in the All Users areas as this has been a never ending user issue and user request for several years now. So long as they'd keep each users individual CCleaner settings in their own registry area, or start using the Users own unique Application Data folder for storing individual settings if someone chooses to use the .INI instead.

Thank you for the replies everyone.

My old computer came with XP Home preinstalled [Compaq] and it was our first computer so I didn't mess about changing any settings. My wife and I were both administrators, whether that would have anything to do with any thing I don't know.

When we changed to this new computer we just thought that we would download the program again and carry on as before. It wasn't till Advari mentioned it that we knew that everybody on the computer couldn't use it. Crazy.

I wouldn't mind but we only use it to clean up after surfing the internet.