Dearest anybody that can help,
Does anybody know of any way that I can install CCleaner without installing the Yahoo utilities. I have about 100 machines I wish to deploy this to, but, I don't want these machines having the Yahoo toolbar or the Yahoo download manager. A command line parameter would be great. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you much.
You can download the slim version, found on the builds page.
Click there, then select the bottom one.
It's such a pity Yahoo toolbar has been included in CCleaner! -(. Yeah, formally, there's an option not to include it (untick the proper line in installation dialog menu). But I'm sure most of the users who've been using it for long time like I've been doing started trusting CC and might not check it.
Hopefully Winpatrol informed me. I was very very surprised. May be it sounds naive but I didn't think there's going to be YT as a default package! ( Because I really respect the CC's team. And partially because of a very promising "No spyware adware included" on the site.