Installer Suggestion

First of all, thanks for some great software. CCleaner is great, as are Recuva and Defraggler (haven't tried Speccy yet).

One suggestion that I will post here, but it really applies to all your products, is to streamline the install process. Since you publish updates frequently, can you tweak the installer so that it remembers the install options? That would allow an automated upgrade instead of having to download an installer package and answer the various questions every time. It gets rather tedious after a while!

You can also consider a "Piriform Suite" type of upgrade path that would allow the user to update all Piriform applications at once. So, if I am running a CC session and the software senses a new version, it could offer to update all my Piriform software at once.

Obviously not every user would welcome autoupdates of everything but since you seem to have figured out how to store darn near everything else in configuration files why not the install options?

First of all, thanks for some great software. CCleaner is great, as are Recuva and Defraggler (haven't tried Speccy yet).

One suggestion that I will post here, but it really applies to all your products, is to streamline the install process. Since you publish updates frequently, can you tweak the installer so that it remembers the install options? That would allow an automated upgrade instead of having to download an installer package and answer the various questions every time. It gets rather tedious after a while!

You can also consider a "Piriform Suite" type of upgrade path that would allow the user to update all Piriform applications at once. So, if I am running a CC session and the software senses a new version, it could offer to update all my Piriform software at once.

Obviously not every user would welcome autoupdates of everything but since you seem to have figured out how to store darn near everything else in configuration files why not the install options?

Here! Here!

I completely agree, and would go even further to request an .msi that would allow me to install via group policy for domain computers.

Love your software, by the way. Thanks for some extremely useful tools!