Installer doesn't create startmenu shortcuts for all users

Hi, i've realized my personalized dvd of windows 7 and i made that the programs i use most frequently instal themself automatically during the installation of the operative system.

The problem is that (on windows 7) the ccleaner's setup creates the desktop and startmenu shortcuts only for the user that installs the program and not for everyone.

The desktop icon shoul be move to


The startmenu folder should be moved to

"%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs"

In my case setup creates the shortcurts for the user "system" and when i log in with my account i've to create my shortcuts manually.

PS: i use the lite version of ccleaner, i don't this the problem is it.

CCleaner doesn't install into the All Users areas. What we've recommended in the past for people wanting it for All Users is to cut and paste the desktop shortcut onto the All Users desktop. You can also copy that shortcut into the All Users\Start Menu.

Okay, so i'll write a batch file to move the shortcuts.

I didn't think it before! xD

Thank you very much!