I am new to CCleaner - used to use CleanCache, but their new 3.5 version doesn't play well with my system for some reason anymore (its a MS Net thing).
Anyway, I installed CCleaner while logged on to my admin account and it seems to run fine. But when I go to one of my limited accounts (my wife has one and so do I for which we use for email and surfing), there is no icon, no START menu item to choose - nothing, except when I right click on my desktop's Recycle Bin icon, it offers "Open CCleaner" and "Run CCleaner". Is it okay to run it from there? Seems to me that a basic desktop icon should have been created upon install, and at least a START menu entry.
I read about others using CCleaner on limited accounts, but for the life of me, I can't find a way to run the thing when logged on as a limited account (no icons indicating executables.
Wow, this has to be the fastest forum reply I've ever seen. I wasn't even done editing my post before you guys responded. I edited my post to say that I can open it from recycle bin, and your responses tell me its cool to open it that way.
Okay, I DO have one question while someone is out there to help. I was using CleanCache because it would overwrite (wipe) the files it deleted instead of just marking it for Windows deletion (blah, blah, etc, etc). It would do this for index.dat as well on start up.
I've read a few posts (not necessarily this forum, but others) where CCleaner, while good at deletion, doesn't do such a good job in wiping, and won't wipe index.dat very well.
Any truth to this? I just ran the CCleaner in clean mode and I'm assuming it "wiped" everything, but it did it in seconds, versus an hour for CleanCache. How can that be, do you think CCleaner just better software? I know its not fair asking someone who may have never used CleanCache, but it just seems weird that it would wipe so much faster.