Installation Problems

Have purchased the full program, but had the same issue with the trail version as well.

Install the program and click on the icon to run it and nothing happens. It is running in system processes but nothing happens on the screen.

Have tried reinstalling. Have disabled antivirus. Shut down other processes, but the program will not start.

Also running as administrator as well.

Also tried running from another hard drive and has the same issue.

Any advice appreciated.

Hi d8ncer, and welcome to Piriform.

You do realise that having purchased the program you have the right of direct support from the developers. That's the main advantage of purchasing the commercial versions of Piriform software.

Choose the program from the "Select product" drop down menu and get their help directly ...

By the way, if I knew why that was happening (which I don't) I would help as would the other guys on here, but maybe better to take advantage of the direct developer support.

Have contacted support.

Just wondered if anybody on the forum had seen this problem and hence maybe quicker to resolve.

Not impressed so far with software.

It's ran successfully by thousands upon thousands of users without an issue like this so I don't think it's a simple problem with Recuva.

Have a try at running it in "Safe Mode" is all I can think of, and if that works it suggests there's a conflict of some kind with something else on your computer.

You've tried the usual "re-install" suggestion.

Which Operating System are you using by the way?