Installation Fails Without Error On IE-10

I don't think this is a CCleaner bug per-say, I believe it's an IE-10 issue, but I wnated to post this info in case others encounter this problem.

While attempting to upgrade CCleaner it would stop during the installation at the point you would normally choose to install the Google tag-along software or not. No error messages at all, it just stopped there and the "Install" button was inactive. After spending many hours in this forum looking for some help with this specific problem unsuccessfully I started trying different things until the problem was resolved.

This was resolved by uninstalling IE-10 (from installed Windows Updates) and rolling back to IE-9. Once IE-9 was alive & well after the reboot CCleaner installed successfully and is working fine. Since IE-10 has been rather "quirky" since day one I'm not bothering to go back to 10, this same CCleaner installation problem occoured several versions ago and I thought it was a CCleaner issue as when the next version was released it installed fine.

Again... I seriously doubt this is a CCleaner bug, I believe it was totally related to IE-10.

Hello PC Doctor and welcome to the forum. I find your post interesting for two reasons. First, my machine came with Windows 8 and I.E.10 pre-installed, and I had no problem installing the latest version of CCleaner, v 4.05.4250. Is this the same version you tried to install?

Also, you are the second person on the forum who recently referred to the Google add-ons as being included in the installation process. And yet, when I did my installation, I distinctly remember that the Google add-ons were not included. I'm just curious, did you download from,, or from Or from somewhere else?

Also, check the information here:

Thank you for the welcome Derek891...

This is my son's laptop that had the problem, it's almost 4 years old running Win 7 Ultimate and originally came with IE-8 installed. Yes, this is the same version but this identical installation pronlem also happened to him once fairly recently... but before he was able to bring it to me to diagnose the problem another version of CCleaner was released and it installed OK for him so it was just forgotten about. Let me clarify that I have several machines here, I'm a PC repair person by trade and this was the first time I've ran across this (which is why I posted).

I ALWAYS download CCleaner by entering this address into a Run box https://www.piriform...wnload/standard. I save the file to my testing system and then put it on a flash drive to install it on other systems after I've installed it successfully. I've installed the file saved from this link on at least a dozen machines and each of them required unchecking the boxes to install the Google Toolbar for IE and Chrome.

I did check the link you provided while searching this forum a few days ago for similar issues but none of the suggestions were beneficial.

Windows 8 v 6.2.9200 (64 bit) and I.E. 10 v 10.0.9200.16688 and CCleaner v 4.05.4250 (64 bit)

This is getting more and more curious. I always transfer the installer to a USB stick every time I install a new application on my machine. This way in the event of a catastrophic failure, I can re-install Windows and not have to track down and download every other application all over again. So I performed an experiment to see if I was going crazy or not.

I uninstalled CCleaner, did a system restart, and then reinstalled using the installer from my USB stick. No sign of the Google add-ons, the installer goes straight to the "Install Options" screen. Then I uninstalled CCleaner, did another restart, and downloaded the installer from the link you posted. Ran it, and again, no sign of the Google installer and straight to the "Install Options" screen. This is very strange, it almost seems that Windows 8 somehow bypasses that item, and Windows 7 allows it to appear. Maybe Windows 8 doesn't like it when you try to install another browser (very unlikely). The only other thing I can think of to explain this is the fact that my machine uses UEFI Secure Boot, and somehow does not allow software to be installed without the proper digitally signed key (somewhat unlikely). In any case, it seems the problem is with the installer and not with CCleaner itself. This is way over my head. Maybe one of the moderators or developers can step in and shed some light on this.

@PC Doctor,

As you say you are running a business and install it on clients machines, you should have a CCleaner Business Edition or CCleaner Technician Edition licience.

Do you have one?


No, I don't have a licensed version and where in my posts did I say that I'm installing it on my client's machines? Between my own bench full of systems and family members that get their diagnostics and "tune-ups" for free I can easily account for 15 of them. I have always recommended to install and use the program regularly to everybody, what they choose to do is their business - not mine. The program certainly isn't any secret, I've never advised anybody with any computer knowledge at all to install and use it that hadn't already heard of it, but most of them were following my ages old gospel advice that nothing on the internet is really free - sooner or later there will be a price to pay. CCleaner is a rare exception to that rule.


Have you tried installing it on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine with IE-10? I only have one family member with Win 8... everybody else in my family including myself finds it disgusting. The ONLY folks I've heard so far that do like it are the ones that walk around bumping into walls all day because their thumbs and eyes are glued to their smart phones.

I have CCleaner install on my PC Win7 64 IE10 with no problems at all.

I'm sorry to say I can't offer any info with regards to either Vista or Windows 7. I went straight from WinXP to Win8. And I never said I liked Windows 8. I've had more than my share of problems. Let's just say I've learned to adapt. :)

OK... let me clarify a few things here to shorten this topic up a bit! I have several 64 bit Win 7 systems of my own along with numerous family members running various browsers including IE-10. This ONE instance happened on my son's laptop and I spent several days trying to figure out what was causing it, and please take note that I'm not a "newbie" at diagnosing hardware & software problems. I posted here to let any other poor souls that may experience this issue know the results of my findings. For the life of me I thought I was actually helping others by doing this, but by the looks of this thread I haven't... it appears my lone problem should have been kept to myself!

I didn't say EVERYBODY with 64 bit Win 7 and IE-10 would have this problem, and I certainly didn't say I'm installing CCleaner on "my client's" machines! I have no clients!! I'm a full time hardware/software support engineer for a large corporation that gets sucked into working on every family member's computers. I inherited the name "PC Doctor" during a family reunion many years ago... that by all means does NOT certify me as a business owner illegally using this software!

Sometimes when CCleaner won't install in normal mode, you can try installing it in safe mode instead.

You stated :-

I'm a PC repair person by trade

That strongly implies that you are self employed,

receiving payment from people that need you to mend their hardware and/or remove malware or contend with software installation issues.

There was absolutely no indication that you are a "full time hardware/software support engineer for a large corporation".

In my view Hazelnut asked you a perfectly reasonable QUESTION - she was not making an accusation.

In my view you have been overly defensive in each of your two subsequent posts.

can we please play nice and stay on topic.

since the OP has resolved the original issue (indirectly by removing IE10 but a resolution none the less) maybe this thread can be wound up and further rebukes done by PM.

just saying.... :)