Install / Uninstall Problem

I would describe myself as a medium beginner using computers, including Ccleaner. I first installed Ccleaner several months ago and have been very happy with it. Recently, I upgraded to 1.26 and have had difficulties since then. Ccleaner won't open when I want. Sometimes it opens, then I can't close it. So,.... I tried to uninstall it, thinking I should start over. I uninstalled a few of the sub (programs / icons?), but was not allowed to uninstall the majority. So now I have a partially-uninstalled Ccleaner.

I use Explorer XP, and a cable modem.

Thanks in advance, C :(

Did you use the control panel to uninstall? If you did, go to your program file (start>mycomputer>drive C>program files) and delete CC from there. Then go back to the control panel and see if it is still there. If so, uninstall again and windows will (should) tell you it isn't there.

Did you use the control panel to uninstall? If you did, go to your program file (start>mycomputer>drive C>program files) and delete CC from there. Then go back to the control panel and see if it is still there. If so, uninstall again and windows will (should) tell you it isn't there.

Thanks Gunner. So easy,.... and it worked. I had opened Control Panel, then Add or Remove Programs, then tried to delete,.... and wasn't allowed to. Your instructions worked perfectly.

Now I shall try to re-download.

Thanks again, C :lol:

Glad it worked. That's a windows problem and not CC. Every now and then windows will delete the uninstaller before other parts of the program. When old Bill get's back from his charity trips he should have that fixed for us.

I'm having more troubles. Per your instructions, it was simple to uninstall Ccleaner.

I re-installed it, and it ran well for several days. Today, it would not open, so I uninstalled it again. That worked, and I re-installed it. But when I double click on the shortcut icon, it will not open. I tried right-clicking to no avail, as well.

Any suggestions?

Thanks, C :(

It could be the same issue I had a while ago with the auto updater. I double-clicked the Ccleaner icon, and nothing happened. I opened the Task Manager (CTRL-ALT-DEL) and saw that the Ccleaner process was active, but apparently doing nothing.

But a few minutes later it did open. After it opened I went to Options, Settings, and unchecked 'Automatically check for updates'. It has never happened again since then.