Ink Levels Disappear after cleaner run

:( I seem to have a slight problem after running ccleaner, the ink levels in the preferences of my EPSON 980 printer become blanked out grey no longer displaying those levels of ink as before.

And they dont return on restart, i can only get them back if i remove the printer and reinstall the printer again with the software provided.

Does any one know if i simply need to untick one of the file types that ccleaner deletes to leave this info on my pc ???

Any ideas would be much appreciated

Thanx Marc0nius :D

That sounds like a very unique problem. Have you yet checked the manufacturer website for support documentation about the issue?

My only guess is that something the printer needs is being removed from a temp directory (I could be wrong) however that would be rather sloppy storing needed information in a temp directory that will surely get cleaned by many cleaning programs.

Have spoke on the phone to epson, they didn't really seem to have to much of an idea, the chap i spoke to recons the 'ink level monitor' info is stored in the registry, and that ccleaner is probably deleting this.

This I find hard to believe, correct me if I'm wrong but ccleaner doesn't remove or delete registry entries unless i'm using the 'issues' scanning option.

I'm going to experiment and tick on and off the different types of system files that ccleaner scans and deletes to find out wot type of file my epson printer is using to store it's ink level data.

and maybe I'll just have to leave that particular box unticked.

Thanx Marc0nius

ccleaner doesn't remove or delete registry entries unless i'm using the 'issues' scanning option.


That's correct!

Good luck hunting down whatever is causing it.