I noticed on XPSP2 and VISTASP1 that several index.dat files remain after cleaning. The files are small, in the 16-32 KB range, but my question is why do they remain after cleaning? Are they harmless? Thanks.
I noticed on XPSP2 and VISTASP1 that several index.dat files remain after cleaning. The files are small, in the 16-32 KB range, but my question is why do they remain after cleaning? Are they harmless? Thanks.
Hi drmsucks,
Index.dat files are harmless.CCleaner marks some of these files for deletion at next Reboot.
Windows then creates new ones.Most index.dat files have a specific reason for being there.Deleting some of these files will cause problems with some features of your OS.
Some users are afraid that this information leaves them open for security reasons.There are many places on the computer other than these files that contain user information also.Trying to clean out all this data on a daily basis results in a slower computer at least for awhile.
Some times these files can grow and grow due to software problems.Then something has to be done about them.
Best wishes,
Hi drmsucks,Index.dat files are harmless.CCleaner marks some of these files for deletion at next Reboot.
Windows then creates new ones.Most index.dat files have a specific reason for being there.Deleting some of these files will cause problems with some features of your OS.
Some users are afraid that this information leaves them open for security reasons.There are many places on the computer other than these files that contain user information also.Trying to clean out all this data on a daily basis results in a slower computer at least for awhile.
Some times these files can grow and grow due to software problems.Then something has to be done about them.
Best wishes,
Thanks, Davey. To re-phrase my question: why does CC delete some index.dat files and not all? If you are going to answer that "Most index.dat files have a specific reason for being there. Deleting some of these files will cause problems with some features of your OS.", please go into more depth, if you can. As nearly as I can tell, the files are generated/used by IE for reasons I don't know.
Also, "Trying to clean out all this data on a daily basis results in a slower computer at least for awhile." Are you talking about the index.dat files? Or internet cache files? If the former, please explain how their deletion affects performance, i.e., slows the computer.
Thanks, Davey. To re-phrase my question: why does CC delete some index.dat files and not all? If you are going to answer that "Most index.dat files have a specific reason for being there. Deleting some of these files will cause problems with some features of your OS.", please go into more depth, if you can. As nearly as I can tell, the files are generated/used by IE for reasons I don't know.
Also, "Trying to clean out all this data on a daily basis results in a slower computer at least for awhile." Are you talking about the index.dat files? Or internet cache files? If the former, please explain how their deletion affects performance, i.e., slows the computer.
Some of the index.dat files can get pretty large with internet use.With CCleaner you have an option to mark these files for deletion at next reboot.Doing so results in a new file being created at reboot.
The old file contained much more Internet information and is used to speed things up.When it is deleted this information is picked up again during your normal browsing.There is a difference in speed for some browsing functions.I have a PC with only 256 MB of Ram and I can see a difference if I keep the index.dat files for awhile.Those with much faster PCs and routers and such don't see this difference.
Other index.dat files have no relation to this processing and CCleaner does not bother these files.
You can spend a lot of time on the net searching about index.dat files.Much of the info is rumor ,guessing etc. unless you go to Momma Soft itself.Only problem there is very little info to be had.
From all my reading I arrived at the conclusions that I reported above.Going into more depth requires your "search"of the net as I have.I do recommend you do a "search" of "index.dat" in the forum.Especially those within the last month or two.
Basically it comes down to leave most of them alone.
Those related to Internet processing should be cleaned when you can't stand seeing the size they have achieved or you are worried somebody is going to look in there and decifer where you have been etc.
If I leave them alone my Browsing is faster.Your PC may be different.
Yes ,I do use the option every now and then.
Windows does many things to improve the speed of your processing.
We all make our own decisions.
Good Luck,
Thanks, Davey. I have done the internet search quest for index.dat info and so far haven't come up with anything definitive. Looks like the files which store the URL's visited get cleaned by CC and the other index.dat files don't get touched. I'm curious as to what's in the other files.
As to browsing speed, I haven't noticed a difference since I've cleaned the index.dat files. Actually, I can feel only a slight penalty when I clear the internet cache which I also clear with CC. I also use FF for most of my browsing and don't believe that FF generates or uses index.dat files.
I agree that we each make our own decisions about computer security. I believe that a series of files that tracks my online presence (at least) and doesn't appear to be readily understood by the majority of computer users is spyware. As such, I am wary of it. Just because MS put the files there, instead of a bogey, does not put my mind at ease!
Looks like the files which store the URL's visited get cleaned by CC and the other index.dat files don't get touched. I'm curious as to what's in the other files.
Yes,we are all curious.I think if any thing dangerous or having to do with spying on the users all the Spyware software companies would be all over it.
I agree that we each make our own decisions about computer security. I believe that a series of files that tracks my online presence (at least) and doesn't appear to be readily understood by the majority of computer users is spyware. As such, I am wary of it. Just because MS put the files there, instead of a bogey, does not put my mind at ease!
Yes and don't forget to "search" the forum like I said.There are dangers in removing some of them.
P.S. I am going to have retract what I said about finding something in our forum about the dangers of removing index.dat files within the last couple of months.It may be further back or I saw it on another forum etc. while researching the topic in the past.If I come across it again I will post back.