I've a problem with index.dat files. The list is showen after cleaning anlalyse, did not show the index.dat files. After reboot the index.dat files are not deleted and filesize is the same as before.
Unlocker can remove them followed by a reboot. With Unlocker you're going to have to manually right click each one and select Unlocker from the pop-up menu.
Hi everyone, this is my first post to the CCleaner Forums.
Anyway, index.dat files are "locked" by running processes such as outlook.exe and explorer.exe. To delete them, all you have to do it run a cmd prompt and task manager. Close out of Outlook and in TM kill the explorer.exe process. In the cmd prompt change directory to %USERPROFILE% and then do a dir index.dat /s. You also may want to try dir index.dat /s /ah and dir index.dat /s /as. You should be able to now use the del command to remove these files. Once finished, you need to restart explorer.exe, by statring it in the Command Prompt window.
I see index.dat files here:
.\Local Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat
.\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat
Maybe the CCleaner author could have CCleaner terminate the explorer.exe process, remove these files, then restart explorer.exe. Better yet, he could determine which processes are locking these files and ask the user if it would be OK to end these programs.
Someone on the Sysinternals forum mentioned this program : WhoLockMe
This is the way I found out which processes were "locking" these files. When you use this program from the command line, you must use the full pathname of the file or directory that you are investigating. Using a relative path will not work with the program.
Nov 23, 2005 Update: I have found a better program to "unlock" files, called unlocker. Here is the URL: http://ccollomb.free.fr/unlocker/