Hi this tool is wonderful so much in fact I thought it deserves a good bug report to even further improve it, great job on a wonderful tool! The bug is that of the 4 hard drives I have (2 PATA and 2 ATA) its reporting the 2 that are PATA as ATA and the other 2 that are ATA as PATA so it's like the type of hard drives Speccy reports in this case was reversed somehow. On a side note I was using it just so I could read one of my ATA's hard drive temps - love that temp feature on hard drive/cpu/ & gpu very nice feature for a system info tool! Here is what Speccy reports on the hard drive info:
313GB FUJITSU MAXTOR STM3320620A ATA Device (PATA) 48 ?C
156GB Seagate ST3160023A ATA Device (PATA) 51 ?C
80GB Hitachi HDS72808 0PLA380 SCSI Disk Device (ATA)
78GB Seagate ST380811 0AS SCSI Disk Device (ATA)
If you need anything more like hardward ID's etc. any other type of info don't hesitate to ask and you'll receive
Thanks for the tool and I look forward to seeing newer and improved versions in the future!
- Infinitive