Incorrect Size Reported

The Uninstall tool incorrectly reports the size of one of my applications as 4,194,301.00 MB.

I certainly do not have 4,000 GB on my computer :-)


If you are running Windows 7 can you look in Control Panel .....Programs and Features and see how much is listed there for that program.

looks like xp :-)

You don't need to check the size, it's clearly a bug. One I can't imagine how its produced. The string format changes while implementing the size. Almost as Two methods access the same column.

On 5/4/2019 at 20:54, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		If you are running Windows 7 can you look in Control Panel .....Programs and Features and see how much is listed there for that program.

I'm running XP and it reports 4GB


The uninstaller has some issues on WinXP, another issue which is known is the incorrect install dates for some software.