Incomplete Nvidia Installation Files cleaning

I believe the macro for removing Nvidia Installation Files in the current version of CCleaner is incomplete.

After running CCleaner with Nvidia checked for cleaning I am still left with 3GB of temperary installer assets in "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2".

As per LifeHacker, this folder should be safe for deletion.

I assume this was overlooked during creation of this specific macro.

EDIT: I also found it helpful to delete the files in the NetService folder created by Geforce Experience as-well. Location is "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NetService" - found a reference that indicated it safe to delete. Backed up folder but no issues so-far after a restart.

Moved to the Suggestions forum since it technically isn't a bug per say.

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2

the cleaning rule had been included before in winapp2 but it cause problem when to perform uninstall

you need to reinstall first before you're able to uninstall because the uninstaller is inside Installer2 folder

my computer hung just feel sick after I last night cleared the stuff. only after I installed the graphics driver again, it ran smoothly again.

but I dont know if it was the deletion or something else