Improvement to Temp folder cleaning

I just changed my Temp folder to D from the default C because my boot drive is solid state so I don't want extra wear-and-tear on it from temporary files. When I ran CCleaner the next time I noticed it tried cleaning the default Temp directory rather than the new one. I was able to create a custom include to clean out the new Temp folder (and it didn't delete or fuss over locked files which is awesome) but now I lose the functionality of it only deleting files older than 48 hours. CCleaner should rely on the system/user variable for the Temp directory rather than using the default for the OS it is running on (I'm just noting that XP uses a different directory than Vista/7).


I would hope CCleaner would use environment variables, registry keys, config files, etc to abstract as many locations as possible (Windows and third-party apps), not just Temp. Is it pretty good about all the others as far as people know--temp just got missed?

As my prof would say, "respect the abstraction!" :)