I can't install CCleaner, and I'm stuck! This is what I've done so far.
I've tried the two download links "FileHippo.com" and the "Alternative Download", followed by the "Open" button in the dialogue box.
Each time, I get the message "Access to the specified drive, path or file is denied" - C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content IE5\...
I've then tried to save the application in the Program Files folder, and what I find is: C:\Program Files\ccsetup212.exe - so that's only the setup and not the application itself, right?
If I double click on that one or want to "Open" it, I get the message "C:\Program Files\ccsetup212.exe is not a validWin32 application".
I now want to get rid of that again for a fresh start, but it doesn't appear in the list of programs that you can remove in the Control Panel.
If I try to simply delete it in the Program Files folder, I get the message "Cannot delete ccsetup212.exe: there has been a sharing violation. The source or destination file may be in use." The icon in front of the file name looks a bit strange, too..
While I'm doing all this, I have no other applications running.
I have Windows 2000 Professional SP4, and IE 6.0.2800.1106.
I know, I know - I need to do some updating. That's why I want to use CCleaner in the first place!
Save your download to your preferred download location. When the download has completed, go to your download location and right click the file. Select properties. At the bottom of the resulting window, click unblock, then apply. Now try installing your download. Good Luck!
As to the second tip: I've tried to save the file to another location. And it is sitting there, too. But I've now discovered that both my downloaded files are zero KB... so I haven't actually downloaded anything at all except the file name. That may also explain why I don't get the Properties dialogue box that you describe.
As to the second tip: I've tried to save the file to another location. And it is sitting there, too. But I've now discovered that both my downloaded files are zero KB... so I haven't actually downloaded anything at all except the file name. That may also explain why I don't get the Properties dialogue box that you describe.
All bright ideas are still welcome - cheers!
Welcome to the Forums. All our members are treated with respect.
I laughed at your little joke about how old your OS was. It turned out to be the tip off for what you need to get CCleaner installed and running.
Edit Possibly, all you need is some updated software from Microsoft. It depends on what may or may not have already been updated on your PC.
I am presuming that you have an X86 PC. If you have 64-bit then search for the corresponding software.
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows XP Service Pack 2
#3 To be sure C++ is up to date for your PC.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)
One of the reasons I was going to try CCleaner was that the Windows tools haven't done the job. You wouldn(t believe how little free disk space I've left! Deleting loads of pictures and emails and letting the Windows defragmenter do its thing didn't help at all.
I won't be at my PC for the next 20 hours or so, but I will certainly try your suggestions. YoKenny, yours seems the most straightforward, so I'll try that first. Davey, yours may need disk space that I just don't have...
Anyway, I'll keep you posted! If it's Saturday evening as well where you live: enjoy it!
Another possibility is in IE then Tools then Internet Options then Advanced then scroll down to Enable Install On Demand (Internet Explorer) and insure that it is checked.
Andavari, your suggestion did the trick! Thanks a lot. Freed up 4,5GB - I never knew I had so much junk on my hard disk. Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I have been "Pireformed"!
I'll download the Defraggler next - so we may be in touch at some later stage
YoKenny, I'll certainly take my time (next weekend...) to update my PC, starting with your scenario.