I have just started to get in the last 3 days about 20 x http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect/xd_proxy.php appear on my History on address bar and I am unable to delete it? what is going on?
It's a good idea when asking about any problems to say which operating system you are using and which browser is affected, as this can alter what advice may be given.
As well as the above any other info you think may be relevant.
Do you already have ccleaner installed and have used it?
Are you having any other problem with your computer at the same time, and are your anti-virus and anti-malware programs up to date and scans are clear?
Found a link here which may give one of our members some ideas about why this might be happening
Yes I have and use cleaner, its excellent and I have speccy
I have windows 7 home premium, and I downloaded Internet Explorer 9 beta 4 days ago and then it started to happen (not sure if ie9 was the problem). So I uninstalled IE9 beta back to Internet Explorer 8 thinking I would be able to delete my Address bar history and I still cant.
When I open my "show address bar autocomplete" toggle (left of the refresh)in my history all I see now is
I am not being redirected, its just un-deleteable, They basically do not go away when I delete them and its growing by the day. Its something to do with facebook.
I take it you've tried things like Tools > Internet Options > Content > AutoComplete Settings > Delete AutoComplete history > [select items to delete] > Delete
I must admit that I am unsure about what advice to offer here to solve it and am hoping someone else can chime in with some ideas.
Do you, by chance have a facebook addon/webslice/instant post plugin? Because that exact address for which you mention in the first post is definitly part of facebook connect (as hazelnut's posts point toward)