Me and a group of my friends did this computer programing in Python class at Locheed Martin. If you're wondering what Python is, it's a computer language. OK, you're probably wondering what in the heck IMP is. IMP (Instant Message Possable), is your first acual full, working, real program. We made it for our final project there and am going to have it on "display" at the Family-Night at Locheed Martin. Below is a pic of our first release of IMP. As you can see the first release is called "IMP Chat Messenger 1.0 Alpha". Also, please don't post saying where can I get it, or requesting a copy. We're still getting this server bug worked out and as you can see we still need to make a logo and add more "eye candy" on there to. So, for right now it's only for us, but hopefully we will distribute it for beta testing someday! This is a little "Sneak Peek" for what is to come!
Alright cool, let us know when you all get it finished.
Not to be rude but you might want to get a new name for the program, instant message possible is kinda lame. I'm not very creative so I cant think of anything but a new name or just a new meaning for the P.(just a suggestion)
I just thought of a name Powerfull Instant Message Program.
Weren't you the guy who was promoting warez earlier? (Yeah you were.) So I wouldn't trust any IM program you wrote. Too many security issues since you earlier posted warez links.
You use rude and offensive language and the way you express yourself indicate a low intellect.
You seem like a little kid to, I dont understand how a company like Lockhead Martin would want to employ some dyslectic kid with the attitude of yours.
And how do you know that you know more about programming than I do?
You use rude and offensive language and the way you express yourself indicate a low intellect.
You seem like a little kid to, I dont understand how a company like Lockhead Martin would want to employ some dyslectic kid with the attitude of yours.
And how do you know that you know more about programming than I do?
Ok I didnt even notice his language when I first read his post(I removed it though because of the words he used.). But eldmannen you started it. He did absolutely nothing to you and you called him dyslectic.(is that even how you spell that?) Why did you insult him in the first place?
If he is a little kid then why try to be mean to him? Does it make you feel good to argue with little kids or something?
But if he wish to be taken serious, he should put a little effort into what he is saying.
Lockheed Martin is the world largest defense contractor and a famous and large company, this guy comes here and he cant even spell the name of the company he is working for.
* every1
* Locheed Martin
* IMP (Instant Message Possable), is your first acual full, working, real program
I am alergic to dyslectic people and the "hi every1, dis dude was liek i c u ! OMG WTF LOL ! dat is so kool wut is dis??!?one?!" breed.