Images replaced by a red cross in Outlook html emails

Sometimes after running CCleaner Microsoft Outlook does not display images correctly in html formatted emails. All the images appear as a small box with a red cross inside. This is the same effect as if I had chosen to prevent images being automatically downloaded by un-ticking the box in Outlooks trust centre "Automatic Downloads" option. The only way I have found to restore the images is to run the "repair" option for Microsoft Office. I cannot see any options I can select in CCleaner to prevent this from happening. Anyone else had this problem?

Are both Outlook and Internet Explorer closed when you run CCleaner?

Also, what version of the mentioned software are you using? (CCleaner, Outlook and Windows)

Did you clean the registry ?

I have the same issue and no matter what I try I can't get Outlook to display images anymore. I've unmarked the check box in trust center “Don’t download pictures automatically in HTML e-mail messages or RSS items”. Under Editor Options I made sure show picture place holders wasn't checked, In IE I made sure under Internet Options-Advanced; Security for Do not save encrypted files to disk is unticked, and I've deleted all of the temporary internet files in IE too. I even completely uninstalled Office, deleted all left over folders, and deleted the left over registry keys. None of these steps worked.

I looked before I clicked the clean button to see if there was a backupbutton or check box in ccleaner but didn't see one. Hoping I didn't miss it but at this point Outlook is NFG without images.

I don't believe I had Outlook runnin and I know IE definately wasn't open when I ran ccleaner. I kept the default settings when I ran it hoping for the best however no luck.

Has anyone found a fix for this?



Have you tried running the Microsoft Fix-It for this problem?

Also what version of Office and which Operating system are you using?