Image help after using CCleaner!

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I recently downloaded CCleaner, and cleaned out 99.8 MB worth of files. Since this clean, I have been experiencing several problems regarding the images on several sites. When I log onto, the home page is nothing but links. NO pictures or anything. I'm part of several other forums and cannot see people's signatures, even though I have them enabled in my user CP. I hvae also checked in the control panel (Windows, not forums), and made sure I allowed my broswer to accept images.

I'm thinking a file must have been deleted after CCleaner cleaned up the 99.8 MB. I'm not the greatest with computers, so I'm not really sure where to begin in order to fix this problem. I hope someone has experienced this, or knows how to fix it. It would be greatly appreciated!



Hi and welcome.

Assuming you're using IE, have a look here for some pointers:

Pictures Are Not Displayed on Web Sites in Internet Explorer


I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that I am using Netscape 7.2. I made sure that the "Show Images" was clicked in the Control Panel, and the other solutions really don't apply to Netscape 7.2 (Different options). Any other suggestions?

Have a look at these Google Groups threads

There may be a solution somewhere in there.

Thanks for all your help, I found my answer. Turns out I just had to clear my browser's cache. Thanks once again!

People actually still use Netscape now when there is Mozilla Firefox?

Thanks for all your help, I found my answer. Turns out I just had to clear my browser's cache. Thanks once again!

np - good to hear you were able to fix it! :)