I upgraded to CCleaner Pro last year and have had several emails telling me my 'year's subscription has ended and must be renewed'. Well, that's the first I knew that when I coughed up the price asked last year, it was only for one year. Out of interest I went to the purchase page of CCleaner's site and see I can get CCleaner Pro for £19.95 - but nowhere does it say this entitles me to just one year's use. So what gives? Is it just an annual subscription or do I simply buy the software? If the former, there are plenty of other rival products - e.g. Clean My Mac - which don't make you pay up every year and do the same job. Anyone from Pifirform monitoring this forum, speak up: I want to know what's going on.
I am still using the pro version well past the licence’s expiration date, I just have to manually update the program.
The license renewal just means you continue to receive automatic updates & customer support for another year.
I too thought when I bought it , it was permanent but I find out its not and I can live with that but if I can't get the pop up reminder flag from coming up I will have to abandon ccleaner.. I've tried to email them and go round in circles to here.. I like it I dont wanna but I can't live with popups
The pro features continue to work in that the programs doesn’t revert to the free version. As stated the only thing the users is required to do is to manually update to the newer versions.
Can’t advise on the pop-up as I’m not receiving it.
I noticed it all works .. just getting the flag off is all it matters..thanks