I'm A Newbie

Hi i'm new to CCleaner and I just downloaded it and saved to my desktop,I have had many tell me this is great and also they all told me different on how to install and I want to do it right so thought i'd come here and get the best answer LOL........they say turn all of my anti-virus,spyware,windows defender and firewall,I can understand all of my anti-virus and sprware/defender but wasn't sure about my Firewall,Just want to make sure before I do install it.Thanks so much fpr your input,Blessings,Cricket

Welcome Cricket.

Ignore anyone that tells you to disable the anti virus application during an install as that is a sure fire way to get your system infected.

What anti virus application and what operating system and Service Pack level is it?

Please review the Beginner's Guide as it has lots of useful information in it:


Hi i'm new to CCleaner and I just downloaded it and saved to my desktop,I have had many tell me this is great and also they all told me different on how to install and I want to do it right so thought i'd come here and get the best answer LOL........they say turn all of my anti-virus,spyware,windows defender and firewall,I can understand all of my anti-virus and sprware/defender but wasn't sure about my Firewall,Just want to make sure before I do install it.Thanks so much fpr your input,Blessings,Cricket

Hi Kicket,

Welcome to the forums !!!

You have some good friends !!!

Some are slightly misinformed.

Good for you to have the sense to admit that you are new and need to check things out.

Unfortunately some members are told to get CCleaner and run it. And that is all that they are told.


Cleaning your computer of old junk and built-up temporary files and data is important.

It can be very easy and sensible by using a safe, fast and reliable program like CCleaner.

However, initial things should be done before you do this cleaning.

I have a few links for you to check out and follow before you do your first "CCleaning".

CCleaner is a "maintenance " type program. These programs MUST always be taken very seriously.

Since they can be easy to use (if they are a well designed program), many users forget how serious these functions are.

Hey, we are talking about ALL your files and data here !!! Likewise other "maintenance" programs do things to maintain your "OS system Hard Drive". You must always remember how serious running these programs is. These programs include other "cleaning" or "wiping" programs, "defragmenters", "backup" programs and file "recovery" programs. It just so happens that Piriform has 3 programs that fall into this category. CCleaner, Defraggler,

and Recuva. All three are serious programs to perform maintenance on your Hard Drives. They should not be used while running other programs or major conflicts and possible loss of data can occur. New users and old timers are advised to follow this advice.

CCleaner should only be run when all other programs are not running. This does not include security programs and firewalls. CCleaner CAN NOT do it's job properly and effectively any other way. You will have some users tell you otherwise but they are misinformed.

CCleaner has some Advanced cleaning options and also some Advanced functions that should not be used by MOST users who don't understand what they are doing. Once users have learned a lot they still may not need these features. These features were incorporated for "advanced users". They do "advanced functions" and do not do things that MOST users need to do.

MOST users can have PCs that perform very well and will not be improved by applying these "advanced features".

MOST users are well advised to use the "Cleaning" feature of CCleaner only.


:) davey


CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

CCleaner Beginners advice

Start here with this link and follow its advice.


Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with.

There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

Hi Kenny nice to meet you I have Vista Home Basic,Service Pk 1,Avg 8.0,Spyware Treminator,A-Squared Free,also Windows Defender thats on Vista,TY for fast responce.Glad to be a part of a wonderful group.Hugs,Cricket :)

Welcome Cricket.

Ignore anyone that tells you to disable the anti virus application during an install as that is a sure fire way to get your system infected.

What anti virus application and what operating system and Service Pack level is it?

Please review the Beginner's Guide as it has lots of useful information in it:


Hi Davey Ty sweetie for your advice i'm gonna enjoy this wonerful help you have given me.TY so much hun,and you can assure i' will be asking questions LOL............I was a certified trainer for years and trained many at one time and I always told them no question was to stupid.Hey the first thing I done when I got here was save the Guide to my Favs LOL..........Ty so much for your warm WELCOME & HELP,Hugs,Cricket

Hi Kicket,

Welcome to the forums !!!

You have some good friends !!!

Some are slightly misinformed.

Good for you to have the sense to admit that you are new and need to check things out.

Unfortunately some members are told to get CCleaner and run it. And that is all that they are told.


Cleaning your computer of old junk and built-up temporary files and data is important.

It can be very easy and sensible by using a safe, fast and reliable program like CCleaner.

However, initial things should be done before you do this cleaning.

I have a few links for you to check out and follow before you do your first "CCleaning".

CCleaner is a "maintenance " type program. These programs MUST always be taken very seriously.

Because they can be easy to use (if they are a well designed program), many users forget how serious these functions are.

Hey, we are talking about ALL your files and data here !!! Likewise other "maintenance" programs do things to maintain your "OS system Hard Drive". You must always remember how serious running these programs is.

CCleaner should only be run when all other programs are not running. This does not include security programs and firewalls. CCleaner CAN NOT do it's job properly and effectively any other way. You will have some users tell you otherwise but they are misinformed.

CCleaner has some Advanced cleaning options and also some Advanced functions that should not be used by MOST users who don't understand what they are doing. Once users have learned a lot they still may not need these features. These features were incorporated for "advanced users". They do "advanced functions" and do not do things that MOST users need to do.

MOST users can have PCs that perform very well and will not be improved by applying these "advanced features".

MOST users are well advised to use the "Cleaning" feature of CCleaner only.


:) davey


CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites

CCleaner Beginners advice

Start here with this link and follow its advice.


Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with.

There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

...also make sure you only got CCleaner from its official website http://www.CCleaner.com/

Hi again Yes I got it from the Hippo site is this ok,I wanted to ask when it comes up and says do you want Desktop Shortcut,Start Menu Shoetcut,Add Run CCleaner to Recycke Bin,Add CCleaner option to Recycle Bin,Auto Updates but may not run if you have a firewall.Add CCleaner YahooToolbar & use CCleaner from your Browser,

I know I want shortcut desk top ,and not sure of CCleaner in Start menu shortcuts,not sure about the ones for Recycle Bin,Also auto updates will my firewall be a problem for updates? ,Not sure about CCleaner on my browser,Need some help about these if ya don't mind,Thanks so much and sure appreciate all your help Hope I don't run nobody crazy asking questions but ya never learn if ya don't ask LOL......TY,,Hugs,Cricket :rolleyes:

Hi Ms Kicket, settings are a personal preference of course, I try to run clutter-free (ish) so I ony choose Desk Top and Start Menu. Some use the recycler options, but Yahoo is not what you would call popular here. You can always add these options if you want to later. I've never seen a use for Auto-updates. Start minimal and add later, just like life, really.

Hi Augeas Thats what I do usually just wanted to make sure LOL.........I sure do thank you hun,Hugs,Cricket

Hi Davey Ty sweetie for your advice i'm gonna enjoy this wonerful help you have given me.TY so much hun,and you can assure i' will be asking questions LOL............I was a certified trainer for years and trained many at one time and I always told them no question was to stupid.Hey the first thing I done when I got here was save the Guide to my Favs LOL..........Ty so much for your warm WELCOME & HELP,Hugs,Cricket

Hi Cricket,

Just wanted say thanks. I think you are the first member to call me "hun" since I have been around here for

approximately 11 months. I have almost used that term myself a couple of times when responding to members. It would sound a little strange to some if they are not from a little town up U.S. route 1 from where I live. It is called Baltimore,Maryland . Up there everyone is a "hun". :lol:

Ever been to Ball-tee-moore ??? :P

It sounds perfectly natural for you to use it. I love to hear it.

Thanks hun and we are glad to have you as member,

:) davey

P.S. I left a little something out in my first reply. You can celebrate with us !!!

PC Pro Awards 2008: Software of the Year

WINNER: CCleaner 2


Hello hun again I always refer to that word and you'll here me say sugar,sweetie,precious,LOL........Thats just the way I talk,Nope never been there i'm from the south Georgia,LOL...........I have heard it is beautiful there.Ty for your kind and sweet words hun,I finally added CCleaner last night but before I start I want to finish reading all the great pointers you sent me TY sweetie,Hey i'm the blessed one with you for a friend and i'm happy to be a member here,have a blessed day,Hugs,Cricket :rolleyes: