If vurtual drives not monitored by Sys Restore, none 4 Root

Windows XP Pro Service Pack 3, all microsoft updates installed.

CCleaner V 3.08

One Hard drive, size 1 Tera, formatted into 3 drives,

C: 97.8 gig (windows and program installs)

F: 735 gig (file storage)

Z: 98.6 gig (for backup of c: using Drive Image XML)

When I stop System Restore from monitoring the drives "F" and "Z" CCleaner will not show the restore points of the "C:"

If I allow system Restore (through settings,control panel,system,system restore) the restore points of the "C" drive show again, with any and all points that should be there shown.

I too get those "nt" files in the root

Windows version and Service pack is always interesting, and sometimes relevant !

Windows version and Service pack is always interesting, and sometimes relevant !

Can't beleive I forgot that! Info added to first post.

Thanks for clarification.

Please advise if this is a new bug that did not appear in CCleaner v3.07.

I am unable to help further but others may

I too get those "nt" files in the root

When I first saw that I thought I had joined a conversation half way through ! !

Are you simply referring to the normal presence of Pagefile.sys and Hiberfil.sys in root of C:\ ?

I have no virtual drives on my system but CCleaner 3.08 is still not seeing any restore points. Maybe it has more to do with the OS since I'm also on WXP Pro SP3! I think this may have started in 3.07 but can't be sure; I do know that an earlier version detected the RPs just fine. Other than this issue, CC seems to be behaving normally.

Windows XP Pro SP3 with all MS hotfixes installed except recent AutoPlay "protection" (I'll look up KB# if needed)

CCleaner 3.08.1475, running portable version from HD if it matters, but I've been doing that for a long time

Single 500GB Hard Drive, formatted as C: (465 GB reported, 323 GB free, balance contains all programs & data)

System Restore set to monitor C: & use 1% (5902 MB) disk space

If you need any more detail, just ask...thanks!

I have no virtual drives on my system but CCleaner 3.08 is still not seeing any restore points.

Technically this is a hijack, you are raising your own problem with different causes.

In practice no single answer is likely to solve both problems, and every one spins in circles chasing their tails.

I suggest you start your own topic with a title that is more relevant to your case.

@ Jeffie

I do not understand the title.

What do you mean by "If vurtual drives not monitored" ?

I use Macrium Reflect for partition image backups.

These can be used to restore a partition

They can also be "browsed" as a "virtual drive" by the allocation of a drive.

Are you referring to a similar capability in DriveImage ?

I have no experience of Driveimage, but my experience of Macrium is that virtual partitions do not work in all respects the same as real partitions.

e.g. Windows Explorer has the same read access to both real and virtual in the same way, but the virtual is absolutely write protected by Macrium,

and although System Restore leaps into action as soon as a new NTFS partition is plugged in (e.g. USB2 connected HDD),

it never puts its dirty fingers on it.

If Windows System Restore can add Restore Points to a virtual drive it is not surprising that CCleaner does not want to go there.

Everything from voidtools is a fantastic search tool that within 1 second can show me all the files that match a search phrase on any partition,

excepting that partition must be NTFS with an MFT and a virtual NTFS drive has no MFT so it cannot look there.

My experience of Acronis was that by default when it mounted an image as a virtual drive it was not write protected,

and the slightest slip when browsing could irretrievably damage the image file such that when restored the system would be un-boot-able.

If DriveImage is can mount its archive as a virtual drive I believe anything could be possible.

What do you mean by "none 4 Root" ?

Your answers may assist s DriveImage user to give guidance.

I doubt I will have anything else to suggest,

other than to ask advice at user forums with a DriveImage focus.

If Windows' system restore is not turned on for the two vitural drives, but is still turned on to monitor the c: CCleaner 3.08 would not show any of the restore points of the C drive.

I suggest that your Windows system and DriveImage do not play nicely together.

If your virtual drives are the result of mounting with a drive letter a partition backup image file I would not expect XP to monitor them,

and if it did I see little harm in that :-

These virtual drives ought to be write protected;

nothing you do should modify the apparent contents of them;

therefore no Restore points on them should be updated;

and any Sys Restore snafu that tried to write to them should be thwarted.

Still no explanation of what you mean by "none 4 Root".

I quick Google suggests many problems with System Restore and DriveImage.

I suggest you try DriveImage User Support at


or some DriveImage user Forum.