If I type in CCleaner in Windows Start Menu and run it, I get this error message:

"Windows cannot find '"CCleaner64.exe"'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again."

I can only get it to run if I right click and do "Run as Administrator", but if I set the "Run as Administrator" checkbox in the program properties, I get the same error message.

Is there any way to fix this? Thanks.

EDIT: As a layman with some knowledge of programming, it seems to me that the executable makes some logical distinction between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions when it starts up, a check that seems to be failing here (I am on a 64-bit platform, of course). I could be way off, though.

EDIT 2: Also, uninstalling, reinstalling, renaming the executable, and deleting the 32-bit version all haven't worked for me.

First I presume you downloaded CCleaner from a reliable source such as Piriform or FileHippo?

Are you accepting the default install path?

Do you have User Account Control turned on or off?

Does the same thing happen if you use the portable build?


Yes to the first three questions, and I tried the portable build. Same issue.

What version of Windows ?

How do you TYPE in the Start Menu ?

What is your default install path ?

In Windows 7 I can click on the Start icon and select "Run..." and that gives me a pop-up that allows me to type the name that I wish opened - is this what you mean by the Start Menu ?

1. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. Latest updates.

2. I press the Windows key, then enter "ccleaner" into the search bar and I click it and get the error message. If I use Run, it works, but it does a UAC prompt that says "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to your computer?" and I put yes and it works.

3. C:\Program Files\CCleaner

4. 2 answers this sufficiently.