If CCleaner is deleting the wrong files

If CCleaner is deleting the wrong files, what may possibly be the cause?

Please note:

This has not been confirmed by me for very obvious reasons in that I don't want files on my system disappearing just to prove it, it's currently just a theory.

What's this about:

In response to some threads where CC users have stated it deleted their My Documents folder, etc.

Possible cause:

Other registry cleaners stating CC's registry settings are invalid, especially those which cleanse the folders/files locations selected in 'Custom Files and Folders'

My thinking is some registry cleaners may actually be removing part of the location of the Custom Files and Folders from the CC registry settings, thus causing the parent folder or files in it to get deleted instead of user selected folders/files.


Let's say "Some Registry Cleaner" states this as "invalid" in the CC registry settings, and a CC user unknowingly allows "Some Registry Cleaner" with faith thinking it's "correct" to remove that which it states is "invalid" such as:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Profile\Local Settings\Temp|C:\Temp|C:\WINDOWS\Temp|D:\TEMP|

and transforms it into something along these lines:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Profile

This would of course be seriously bad!


How to avoid CC registry settings from being detected by registry cleaners:

Input into registry cleaners the name CCleaner in their area to ignore/exclude/skip detection so that they leave CCleaner alone.

How to have EasyCleaner ignore CC's registry settings

(this application is known to detect CC's registry settings when using CC's Custom Files and Folders):

1. Run EasyCleaner

2. Click the large 'Registry' button

3. Under 'Skip' type in: CCleaner

How to have RegSeeker ignore CC's registry settings:

1. Run RegSeeker

2. Click 'Clean the registry'

3. Click the 'Exclusions ...' button.

4. Copy and paste the following at the end of the exclude.ini file:

# Start of protection for CCleaner

1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner

1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

# End of protection for CCleaner