IETldCache\Low, and PrivacIE

Am using IE8 on a pc running Windows 7, 64 bits. After cleaning with CCleaner, I noticed the following files were not deleted and still contained information of no use for any ordinary surfer.

c:\users\ username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IETldfCache\Low\index.dat

c:\users\ username\PrivacIE\index.dat

Am I missing something in the settings, or CCleaner does not clean those files? I added the second one in the section ''Advance'' and it worked. It does not work for the first one listed. Any suggestion?

CCleaner doesn't delete the index.dat files, it "empties" them.

CC does delete some, as I've just removed one with it. I think it was in Cached Feeds. I too have added PrivacIE\*.* to my includes, as it seems to grow whether you use IE explicitly or not. Whilst I don't expect CC to remove all the Index.dat files from my pc, what it does do is rather vague.

CC does delete some, as I've just removed one with it. I think it was in Cached Feeds. I too have added PrivacIE\*.* to my includes, as it seems to grow whether you use IE explicitly or not. Whilst I don't expect CC to remove all the Index.dat files from my pc, what it does do is rather vague.

Thanks. I noticed that the ''IETldCache'' contains informations on sites you visited. I think it would be interesting to have it cleaned for security and privacy purpose.

Side note: Neither of those folders are on my system, what generates them?

Side note: Neither of those folders are on my system, what generates them?

Look in Hidden files and folders

I have that enabled, I even tried navigating to them manually.

I have that enabled, I even tried navigating to them manually.

Sorry, am just a novice trying to understand. Have no clue to help you on that.

I think that PrivacIE came in with IE8. The first file looks like a Win7 file, I'm on XP so I don't have it.

I guess they must both be IE8 files.. Question: Why use IE8 if 9 is out? :o

Last I heard IE 9 does not work on XP