IE8 Beta 2 Compatability View

Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 keeps a list of what sites which should be viewed in Compatability View (under the menu Tools/Compatability View Settings). I'm not sure where this information is stored but CCleaner erases that list. It would be very useful if you could add a checkbox in the application settings were you could set if this list should be erased or not. Thanks

The sites are stored in the registry in a binary key under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation\ClearableListData\UserFilter

CC dosent erase this key. You could add an exclude in CC (Options>Exclude>Add Registry) but I dont see that it will do any good.


Thanks for answering but CCleaner does erase the Compatability View List

What items do you have checked? I've tried 3x and cant clear that registry key. Im also looking at the INI's ( and dont see anything pointing to the combatabillity items.

Also what version of CC are you using? Have you added any custom keys to be cleaned via INI?

Here's the steps I took:

1) I started IE8b2 and checked the Compatability View Settings, several websites were listed and I closed the settings window

2) Opened regedit and looked at the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation\ClearableListData\UserFilter entry, which existed and contained data

3) I ran CCleaner version 2.12.651 with no custom keys cleaned (while IE8 was still open)

4) Re-checked the Compatability View Settings, the list was now empty

5) Refreshed regedit and the key was gone

I went ahead and went through each item one by one since I didnt know what items you had checked. Please try the following...

In IE, add a site to the compatability list. You can confirm in regedit, but its not necessary. Run CC. Uncheck the 'History' box in the Internet Explorer section. Analyze and clean. Check IE and see if the site is still present in the list.

Turns out I was wrong on both points in my original post. The History box removes the registry key and... And, CC wont allow the exclusion becuase the string is too long.

I apologize for not giving you more credit in regards to the problem and I should have experimented further. Well at least you can report the bug with steps to reproduce it.