Has this been added to your start menu and processes since you've installed IE7? I also use Office7, so it may be a combination thing but it definitely was not there before IE7.
It is an "Office Thing". Here's some reading:
Same thing happened to me, ctfmon.exe keeps re-appearing even after I remove it, ever since I installed IE7.
Have you already tried uninstalling Alternative User Input following the directions in the MS article I linked to??
Same for me. I had succesfully removed it and all alternative user input from my PC. But after installing IE7 its back and I cant find a way of stopping it
Ah, that's interesting... You might consider posting in one of the dedicated MS Newsgroups:
Have you already tried uninstalling Alternative User Input following the directions in the MS article I linked to??
Yea thanks, it worked.
ctfmon only started giving me problems after installing IE7 in that when restarting and shutting down it doesn't want to exit and Windows shows the End Now dialog.
I think I have solved the problem on my PC. On checking my regional lanquage settings under other input laguage welsh was present. Adding UK english and removing welsh and a reboot solved the problem. CTFmon has now gone. for good I hope
why do you people even need to get rid of ctfmon?
why do you people even need to get rid of ctfmon?
I can't speak for anyone else but my post above is all the reason I needed to disable it. According to the Microsoft guide you really can't get rid of it, so maybe following their guide just reduces it's grasp on the system somehow.
Oh I just noticed that after following the MS guide my Start Menu isn't loading sluggish/slow anymore.
Mucho kudos to TonyKlein for that link, and to Microsoft for providing that guide.
Really, I'm all for disabling any stuff you decidedly do not need or use from running.
Memory management in Win 2000, XP and Vista is a whole lot better than used to be the case with win 98 and ME, but the less there are unnecessarily running processes, the better your computer will run. It's as simple as that...
why do you people even need to get rid of ctfmon?
Well, because I dont need it, and it cause a problem when shutting windows down.
I notice a lot of people are picking up on this after the IE7 install most forums seem to be trying differnt methods to get rid of it.