IE will now only allow one open window?

I just downloaded and ran CCleaner for the first time. I was thrilled with the garbage it found and helped me get rid of but.....

now when I am browsing with Internet Explorer - it will only allow me to have one open browser at a time. Bad news for me! I typically run a dozen at a time for various reasons! When I open a new one the one that is open closes .... :blink:

Any ideas on what may have caused this unexpected change???????????? I need to fix it quicklike!

thanks in advance......

I just downloaded and ran CCleaner for the first time. I was thrilled with the garbage it found and helped me get rid of but.....

now when I am browsing with Internet Explorer - it will only allow me to have one open browser at a time. Bad news for me! I typically run a dozen at a time for various reasons! When I open a new one the one that is open closes .... :blink:

Any ideas on what may have caused this unexpected change???????????? I need to fix it quicklike!

thanks in advance......

DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go

DAF Download the medium build.

DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go

DAF Download the medium build.

Done - now what? B)

Done - now what? B)

You repaired IE? Did that not work?

Which version of IE are you using?

You repaired IE? Did that not work?

Which version of IE are you using?

LOL -- you didn't tell me what to do with it - just told me what to download - there are a good number of options in there. I learned long ago to not put the cart before the horse and when you ask for help listen for ALL the instructions! ;)

Ok - before I move forward on a repair/reinstall of IE - I don't have the orginal CD's for this system handy. Is it going to require that? I don't even know if I can put my hands on them.

I am running XP SP2

IE = Version 6.0

DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go

DAF Download the medium build.

Sorry for not being clear. These are the instructions: DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go

You might be prompted for your Windows installation media or distribution share.

Hint: whenever possible, use the ServicePackFiles\i386 folder in the C:\WINDOWS directory. 'mswrd632.wpc' is usually in Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv and 'INSTALL.INS' is usually in Program Files\Internet Explorer\SIGNUP.

Let us know if this works for you. :)

Sorry for not being clear. These are the instructions: DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go

You might be prompted for your Windows installation media or distribution share.

Hint: whenever possible, use the ServicePackFiles\i386 folder in the C:\WINDOWS directory. 'mswrd632.wpc' is usually in Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv and 'INSTALL.INS' is usually in Program Files\Internet Explorer\SIGNUP.

Let us know if this works for you. :)

No - didn't fix it.

What caused this??? Have you seen this before?

I haven't seen this before, and I don't know what would have caused it. Repairing/reinstalling IE should have fixed it. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe your computer is infected.

If you are in a bind, and need a browser to use NOW. Use FireFox so that you can do what you need to do right now.

Later today someone else may be able to help. Someone who has seen this sort of problem before. In the meantime, when you have time I suggest that you post in the Spyware Forum, and confirm that your computer is not infected.

Sorry that I couldn't be of more assistance, but you can use FF to get you by for now. If you use sites that require IE, you can install an IE Tab from here. After installing the IE Tab > Open FF > click "View" > Toolbars > Customize > Drag 'n Drop the IE Tab to your toolbar for easy use.

Thanks for trying to help - I do have firefox but I prefer IE (old habits)

It's not a spyware problem unless CC made some change that exposed a hidden threat. I stay on top of that stuff pretty well.

Maybe someone will come along who can help me trouble shoot this. It's annoying as heck ;) and seems as if it should have a very simple solution........

Did you use the issues scanner? If not, then it wasn't CCleaner.

If you did use the issues scanner, did you save the backup it prompts you to create? If not, then you're out of luck unless you ask a Microsoft MVP at their newsgroup(s).

Start here (I think a Passport is required):

or configure your Mail client/news reader to subscribe to microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support

Did you use the issues scanner? If not, then it wasn't CCleaner.

If you did use the issues scanner, did you save the backup it prompts you to create? If not, then you're out of luck unless you ask a Microsoft MVP at their newsgroup(s).

Start here (I think a Passport is required):

or configure your Mail client/news reader to subscribe to microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support

yes and yes

So, do I need to restore the registry? If so, how do I do that?


It "may" or "may not" help for you to restart Windows, surprisingly a restart can auto-magically fix some things.

Also running a disk error check (ScanDisk or ChkDsk) may be useful.

So, do I need to restore the registry? If so, how do I do that?

You'd restore the registry with the CCleaner backup that it always prompts you to make when using the Issues scanner, the backup(s) are registration entries, e.g. .reg files. You'd just double-click it/them to have the data automatically imported into the Windows registry. A reboot may be necessary!

I did some investigating on the microsoft site and found 2 things -

1. To go into Internet Options and make sure that "reuse window for launching shortcuts" is not checked - it was - so I unchecked it - but still no go.

The other potential issue provided was that yahoo Toolbar sometimes causes this issue. So I removed Yahoo ToolBar too.

It fixed it - not sure if it was just the toolbar or a combination of the 2 fixes -

Thought I would share for anyone who may encounter the same issue.

Thanks for all the input and direction! B)

EDIT: just noticed it was solved so removed my question :)

You were dead on the money Manchesta.... you must have been posting that as I was posting my "find" *grin*

I love it when a solution is quick and simple....

Thanks again all!

Nice, so CCleaner really did break your machine (by virtue of the great included Yahoo! Toolbar)


For anyone else with this problem here is the link I sent Krit about it yesterday

Thank you Pixie!

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou...

You are the man, this one had me for over five months scratching my head, the last time i attempted to fix this issue I had to take my xp back to an earlier time so Im so happy that you found the fix to this problem.

Well Done !!!
