IE Toolbar Icons Change After Using CCleaner & Restarting PC

Hi everyone. I like to have my IE toolbar icons (view/toolbars/customize) set to: Text options-No text labels

Icon options-Small icons.

However, after I use CCleaner and then restart the computer, I go into IE and discover that the IE toolbar icons have been changed to the default IE settings of: Text options-Selective Text On Right (but the small icons part remains the same).

How can I get CCleaner to stop doing this to Internet Explorer? It's tiresome to have to repeatedly go back and change the settings to the way I like it.

The CCleaner options for Internet Explorer I have checked are: Temporary Internet Files, Cookies, History, Recently Typed URL's, and Delete Index.dat files (I suspect this is the culprit) and Autocomplete Forms History.

If anyone can shed light on this, I sure would appreciate it.


No worries. I found out how to fix the problem. It had nothing to do with CCleaner but rather a WinXP issue. Thanks anyway.

What was causing it?

It was a Windows XP issue that had nothing to do with CCleaner. I was trying to prevent Windows Messenger from mysteriously starting up automaticaly when I started Outlook. I had stopped and disabled the thing, but it still kept starting up plus slowing things down! It was driving me crazy! Then I found out it was still in the IE toolbars and had to go in the registry take it out of the toolbar, plus I had to uncheck instant messenger protection in Norton Internet Security 2005. To make a long story short, in the process of doing all that work, my toolbar settings got all out of whack when I restarted. And naturally I assumed it was CCleaner because I always do a clean before I shut down or restart. But once I finished the work and cleaned the registry, I got a good clean restart with my saved setings intact. So everything worked out beautifully. Sorry I accused you CCleaner!