IE cookies not all deleting

I barely use IE mainly Firefox but when I do a cleaning it shows cookies still to be cleaned. Tried everything but they still show as needing cleaned so I went into IE options in Control Panel and deleted all cookies. The cookies to be cleaned disappeared this tells me that for some reason CCleaner is not deleting all IE cookies.

CC, IE and Windows versions?

What sort of cookies are left behing? Flash cookies?

They do not seem to be flash cookies.

Problem cropped up again.

Windows 7 32-bit

IE 11

Ccleaner latest version

Cookie list currently not deleted...



So no these do not appear to be flash cookies. In fact it concerns me when sites like Suntrust still have cookies.

At least two of those are flash (youtube settings) (amazon long lasting)

You should not have a localhost cookie (unless you have some sort of webserver/proxy-that-serves-up-pages)

If you click the individual cookies in the cookies to delete/keep page of ccleaner it will show a image for what browser the cookies are