IE 8 V vrs IE7


I generally use FF but there are some sites that work best with IE. I have IE 7 and it is deadly slow comparing to FF. Question : Judging from your own personal experience,is IE 8 faster/better than IE 7?


I generally use FF but there are some sites that work best with IE. I have IE 7 and it is deadly slow comparing to FF. Question : Judging from your own personal experience,is IE 8 faster/better than IE 7?

IE 8 on Windows 7 is faster than IE 7 on XP. I have not run IE 7 and IE 8 on the same OS to be able to compare them. On Windows 7 IE 8 is comparable to FF and Opera in speed. You won't see the big speed difference you see between IE 7 and FF. On XP I don't know since I don't have IE 8 on the one machine that still runs XP.

IE 8 is better - period. It's safer, more stable thanks to its multiprocess architecture, and it's faster.

And it has support for CSS 2.1 - web devs are currently becoming mad because of the 30% of people who are still using IE < 8.

As for my personal experience, yes, it is faster, and has nice features (like the accelerators). But I still use FF.

IE8 of course, why go for the buggier IE 7???? I think IE 8 is cool with its InPrivate Browsing feature that Firefox and the other browsers copied soon afterwards.

Like the others have stated I'd also say IE8. Although I only use IE8 if absolutely necessary such as on some Microsoft sites.

IE8 of course, why go for the buggier IE 7????

Because many have had major issues with IE 8 on XP.

I'm assuming he is using XP because if he was using Windows 7 this would not even be a choice for him since IE 8 comes with Windows 7.

I have Vista. Awhile back I upgraded from IE7 to IE8. It was giving me problems and seemed to run slower than IE7.

So I switched to Firefox which runs much faster than IE8 and IE7 and is trouble-free. I've not used IE8 since then.

All the IE8 problems seem to be resolved now - at least, I haven't seen anyone complaining in a while :)


I generally use FF but there are some sites that work best with IE. I have IE 7 and it is deadly slow comparing to FF. Question : Judging from your own personal experience,is IE 8 faster/better than IE 7?

neither - Why bother with IE at all? i heard so many bad things about ie8. You do realise there is a ie plugin for ff

neither - Why bother with IE at all? i heard so many bad things about ie8. You do realise there is a ie plugin for ff

As previously mentioned, there are some sites that require IE to fully function with the browser, otherwise I really wouldn`t bother. The thing is that it irritates me to browse so much slower with IE7(than with FF) and I thought that may be IE8 will ease the pain.... ;)

ie plugin is an ie plugin

ie plugin is an ie plugin

For your information:FF IE plugin uses the IE engine you already have in your pc, meaning that if you have IE 7 in your computer, the IE plugin you use still uses your IE !!!!

For your information:FF IE plugin uses the IE engine you already have in your pc, meaning that if you have IE 7 in your computer, the IE plugin you use still uses your IE !!!!

Thank you for enlightening me on that

I think all IE will always have people complaining about them. The major problem with IE is that its not as versatile as Firefox and I haven't been able to find a way to install new skins into it. But I use IE 8 for manually downloading Youtube videos cause its easier for me to distinguish items inside the IE cache than the Firefox cache.

Thank you for enlightening me on that

You are welcomed.

You are welcomed.

i hope you sensed the complete sarcasm