IE 8 incompatabilty with CCleaner

Since installing IE 8 and CCleaner (v.2.18.878) my google pref (cookies) are not saved. I've tried everything but everytime I use CCleaner the Google "search" preferences return to "default. The Google

cookies STILL remain in the "cookies to save" list.

Hi Bob, and welcome to Piriform.

We had a google cookies problem on here just recently, and the solution was to clear out all the google cookies from CCleaner.

Move them all over to the "Cookies To Delete" window, run CCleaner, and then log onto your sites again. Close down your browser, open CCleaner and then move the new cookies to the "Cookies To Keep" window.;#entry131947

Hope it works for you.

We had a google cookies problem on here just recently, and the solution was to clear out all the google cookies from CCleaner.

Move them all over to the "Cookies To Delete" window, run CCleaner, and then log onto your sites again. Close down your browser, open CCleaner and then move the new cookies to the "Cookies To Keep" window.;#entry131947

I also had the same problem: After investigation, it appears that ccleaner is deleting the: "@google[*].txt" files even when the cookies are marked to be saved! In IE8, Google seems to need access to these .txt files to remember preferences. Here is an example of one of these files:


I tried adding an "exclude" file (with the above file), but ccleaner still deleted it anyway - looks like the remove cookies options override the "exclude" listings.

This is still an issue - please fix or suggest a workaround asap!

Cheers, -JT

I've also just loaded IE8 with XP Home and find not all my User Names and Passwords are being saved when I shut down and start up again.

I had no probs with IE7.

I am pretty sure I have got all IE8 settings correct for remembering these.

Also the problem is resolved if I remove CC.

Possibly my problem is same reason as yours?

This is my first post and just want to say thanks to all those involved in producing and maintaining CC. Other than above the program has always run faultlessly for me.

Thanks for the extra info, we're still not able to recreate this issue, but we will carry on trying to find the cause :)


I too have problems with the cookies to keep. The problem is, they are not kept. :lol:

I've removed them from the to keep list, cleaned them all up, then re-added them to the list, makes no difference. I don't stay logged in anywhere. I don't clean temp int files or cookies with anything other than CC.


For my XP Pro SP3 system (using IE 8) the cookies that are not being kept are (all are in the "Cookies to Keep" column): (related thread at VDR)

For Virtual Dr & Yahoo Mail I can stay logged in for a 24 hour time period (approx.) but that's all.

Edit: In IE 8 > Internet Options > General "Delete browsing history on exit" is unchecked.