
I think the program should remember the last "recovery" folder, either permanently or for the current session.

Its annoying to browse to my recover folder, each time I click Recover.

It's probably outside this programs scope, but a preview pane would be good, ie. for images and text.

How about a erase function that will allow you to completely delete something. You right click and click " Permently delete" and it will run random data 1 passes or 35 passes. Like that Eraser Program unless this is plan for anther Program.

ps. can some one tell me how to spell that work right I can get my spell check to fix it Permently

How about bitmap cluster view of where your data is. Where each dot has a different color. And the deleted data and data from other programs that overrided a cluster or two.

Preview before recovering file.

ps. can some one tell me how to spell that work right I can get my spell check to fix it Permently

LOL, its permanently :)

At the moment, an option (filter) to search/show only results of one category (Poor, Very Poor, Excellent, etc). ;)

How about a link on pointing to CCleaner forums so people unfamiliar with the recuva forum on can also get support

Hi! ;)

After persistent tests accomplished by me through Recuva and it's competitors, I tell that the following features would add more points to get my prefence in the Recuva use:

  • Capability to erase files in the MFT table, becoming them irrecoverable (importance: 10/10)
  • File type information in the Listview/Treeview, to make easy the visualization (when ordering) of the similar files (importance 8/10)
  • Capability to seek all available volumes together, having for that to add Volume (currently the nomenclature disk is used) information on Listview/Treeview (importance: 7/10)
  • Wildcard support in the find feature (importance: 7/10)

Except these vital features, I meet some cosmetic changes that would add greater value to the Recuva:

  • Change State information to Status (is more suitable)
  • Add the respective system icons in the Filename information (obviously by extension)
  • Add seconds in the Last Modified information (to get greater accuracy) or, if necessary, add an option to format this info as want
  • When the Path is unknown, add \?\ instead of ?\, to keep visual identity

At the moment, only this. :rolleyes:

Thanx in advance,

v1d4l0k4 :D

Capability to erase files in the MFT table, becoming them irrecoverable (importance: 10/10)

A recovery program to render files irrecoverable? LOL :lol:

Though it would be a valuable addition

I agree with the permanent erase idea and preview idea. Before download I actually thought it'd already be integrated within Recuva from past experience with some recovery softwares.

One thing I'd like to see in Recuva would be a file icon or maybe 'categorize by file' option. Usually if I were to recover files, they'd be a certain file extension.

I think an erase option is exceptionally good, it should allow you to erase a file, a drive, the free space, and the traces found. If there is an option to replace delete with secure erase it would even be better. I personally use Eraser which is free and very good ( I think as this program is open source developers can use the source code and save some effort.

Another thing that came to my mind is why not merging both Recuva and CCleaner into each other, I really like them as ONE program. by the way CCleaner is a system maintenance program, there nothing wrong doing this.

Can I have any view from the developers ?

Just one more thing, Add a "check for update" feature like the thing we have in CCleaner. it is quite handy.

the most important missing feature IMHO...

"Select All (CTRL+A)" ability!!

here was my 1st use of Recuva:

1. I chose the hard drive then scanned it

2. entered a search filter

3. wanted to select all, instinctively made CTRL+A, then... nothing!

4. had to switch to the "tree view" that hopefuly let me do the job :)

I'm fairly new to Recuva, and I like what I see so far. I was wondering if there are any plans to add the capability to scan & recover from drives with partition damage that prevents them from getting a drive letter? I currently use OnTrack EasyRecovery Pro to recover data from such drives, but I'd be interested in switching to Recuva if it will have this ability, especially considering how much faster it is.
