I "never" delete to the recycle bin. When I decide it is time to go it goes.
Your very brave, man!
I always delete to the recycle bin, because:
- Sometimes something will bang the DEL key (dropped book, cookie, whatever) & cause it to activate long before u really need it.
- Sometimes, when kids come over, they may decide to get happy (& delete things before you catch them)
- Sometimes, malware apps may run amok, hence the recycle bin recovery of things...
Although, u may not need it, it does at times save my hide!
Every so often, I empty the recycle bin, after I am sure that I do not need said items.
But I leave it on.
Speaking of which:
Sometimes, if i connect my 1 TB drive with multiple partitions, then I remove it & plug in a flash drive, the recycle bin gives the flash drive a recycle bin of its own.
On checking, it seems it is because Windows sometimes fails to fully consider the old drive removed, so when you connect a flash drive, it inherits the "properties" of the old drive. IE, if it is assigned the partition letter of a 500 GB partition that USED to be connected, then windows says the flash drive is 500 GB (& also assigns it a recycle bin, which is much bigger than the entire flash drive itself!).
This is pretty weird, & although I presume that recycle binning does indeed work, I dare not test it while I have a flash drive with valuable info on it. Who is to say whether it will be properly recovered, or it is, if it might overwrite some existing application?
Definitely very interesting!