Icon images in email attachment

I use Outlook Express for sending email. The following happens...

I send an email without an attachment.

I get an email back with an attachment, in the attachment there are little icon images from websites that I have recently visited.

Where are those icon images coming from and how to get rid of them? Can someone else receiving that email see those images?

They may be the generic icons from a hotmail or some other online account or may originate from your temp inet files?

You could try to stop them, open OE - tools - options - security tab - check "block images and other external content...." apply - ok out of it , restart OE and see how you go.

If already ticked I can't think of anything else atm.

You could also try deleting all your history etc and browser cache it may be full.

You could also try deleting all your history etc and browser cache it may be full.

The icon images are in a file called 'Image001.gif'. When opening the file you get to see a few pictures from recently visited places.

I also learned the following.

Let's say I got an email with 'Image001.gif'. I open it and see 5 images. Now I go to the internet for a few minutes and again I open 'Image001.gif' then there are

maybe 20 images! Indeed after using crap cleaner the recent

images are gone but the old 5 images are still there.

What is all this?

This is why I suggested clearing your browser cache, it worked for me :)


This is why I suggested clearing your browser cache, it worked for me :)


All right thank you. But where can I clean those things?

1. Deleting history

In crap cleaner I see under 'internet explorer' 'history' I always

have that checked. So in this case you probably mean just use crap cleaner to delete history?

2. Delete browser cache

I wouldn't know how to do that, I don't see it in crap cleaner.

This should help to show you how to delete your cache.


This should help to show you how to delete your cache.


All right, that link told me how to delete my cache.

But why isn't crap cleaner doing that for me automatically.

That's why I use it. For me the cache is crap.

There should be a way to tell crap cleaner that I want to delete that automatically when using crap cleaner.