I want to use ccleaner registry cleaner

Hello, =) I have decided i want to use the registry cleaner part of ccleaner.

I have never tried this before as i am not sure of how to exactly back up

beforehand. I read the instructions all over the site but i am still confused.

Analyzed to find an alarming amount of keys with problems. Can someone help

guide me through step by step?

Is it okay to post screenshots of each analyzed section so i can have an opinion

of whether or not to fix certain problems? Not to mention recently my pc has been acting weird.

menus stay highlighted things seem as if they stick. My connection is fast as can be

but i am worried things are wrong i uninstalled adobe reader and microsoft works

and microsoft office awhile ago (came with the computer) and since then things

have been going downhill. This computer is about 3 months old so I'm not sure why.

It's not too hard.

Analyze, uncheck all keys, then for each key that appears :

  • Check its properties
  • If it is related to software you no longer have, check its checkbox
  • If it is not, or you don't know what it is exactly, leave it unchecked

Then, when you click "Fix Selected Issues", don't forget to accept the prompt that asks if you want to do a backup, and save it in somewhere you'll remember. :)

Ive been going through these

steps and i am now at checking shared dll's. I deleted those keys but more came back when i rescanned just that section?

I have been making sure to backup through each section. All i have left to do is shared dlls, active x and class issues,

and tyle libraries. No problems so far but i am a little weary to continue until i get more clearance. Here is the

active x section, oops i mean dlls haha


I don't think the registry cleaner will 'fix' your computer as such, (although Aethec has given you good instructions on how to do it)

You say you are having quite a few problems since getting it which sound as though they may be related to how you uninstalled the programs that came with your pc. How did you uninstall them? Did you reboot afterwards?

The context menus staying on the screen may be related to the visual special effects. Have you tried unticking 'fade out items after clicking' in control panel?

You can see here how to find the setting


I didn't think it would fix the problems exactly, i just wanted to use it because

i was alarmed at all the entries i was getting. I actually uninstalled the programs

using the ccleaner uninstaller, and yes i rebooted afterwards. This was a few weeks ago.

i still have the restore point before i deleted anything but I'm not sure if going back

would actually do anything. And i have tried that but what exactly does it do?

I have tinkered with this before but never noticed a difference in anything.

i still have the restore point before i deleted anything but I'm not sure if going back

would actually do anything. And i have tried that but what exactly does it do?

I have tinkered with this before but never noticed a difference in anything.

Going back several weeks with a Restore Point after you've been tinkering allot in my opinion can make things far more messy like half installed programs returning that may not work correctly, etc., that's just my observation about System Restore in the past. Although it's very good to use as a last ditch attempt if you need to resurrect your system.

Yeahhh I'm only going to use that if i start freaking myself out or something :P :P :P

I did a system restore once on here and i felt immediately like it was the wrong choice.

Sighhh computer troubles. Things seem to be running pretty smooth right now though other

than snappy feeling menus and snappy minimize / maximize on most windows.

I'm only getting 15 or so entries on the ccleaner registry cleaner instead of 150 :rolleyes:

Those missing shared DLLs can be safely deleted, I really doubt you (or anyone) are using .NET 1.0.

I have performed five massive program uninstalls (immediately after purchasing this box plus four system recoveries).

With each registry clean with CC I had plenty of items to eliminate, but safely removed all of them (after backing up) by cleaning in groups (say 20 or 30 items) each time and waiting a few days before repeating the process. I feel this waiting period between cleans is important to insure all is well before continuing to the next group, for it is safer to not hurry the task.

In time my registry was completely cleaned with no problems; never had to use the CC or ERUNT registry restore.

CC's registry clean has been kind to me.

Those missing shared DLLs can be safely deleted, I really doubt you (or anyone) are using .NET 1.0.

Well here is the thing i remove the missing DLL entries and re-scan and they show back up? :o Just woke my pc up out of sleep mode things still seem to be running well. So glad i didn't wreck the registry.

Was everything okay before you uninstalled those programs? I would also agree not to do a system restore back to before you uninstalled them, things will get very messy.

I don't know what kind of computer you have, but a lot of newer ones have a full backup of everything stored on the system. You can restore your computer back to exactly where it was the day you bought it. You might check your documentation and see if yours has this. If nothing else can solve your issues, this might be your best option, especially since you've only had it three weeks.

Everything was fine before i ever uninstalled microsoft office, microsoft works, and adobe reader...

seriously i would love to restore my computer back i can easily put all my pictures on a flash stick thats all i even want to keep. basically since i cleaned the registry things have been looking bad guys! My taskbar highlights when i click on it, certain programs open up pre-minimized without my consent, things are becoming more slow as time goes by, sites take awhile to load, just so many problems now. I even got a few errors (graphic device has stopped working but has recovered) or something along those lines, that happened twice yesterday when i restarted computer. If ANYONE has any ideas of how i can go back to before this happened or restore in any way please let me know. I do not have a factory disk because the freaking machine asks me for 3 blank dvd's which is honestly a load of crap to me. This computer came with windows 7 home premium 64-bit already pre-loaded or whatever. Thanks.

Edit** Not to mention, CCleaner doesn't even work correctly anymore. Ccleaner finds nothing when i analyze where as windows disk cleanup finds 28 MB. definitely need to restore somehow. Was just throwing that issue out there too.

Hi Bryan.

New computers don't seem to come any more with the Windows disks needed to carry out a complete re-install. Instead they come with some form of "Recovery Partition", usually called "D" drive, and sometimes hidden.

This partition is the modern method of putting your PC back to "Factory Condition".

Have a look in "My Computer" for a "D" drive (partition).

If it's there, fine, if not it may have a more modern recovery method, which may also be hidden for safety.

If it's there, and if these things work the same in Win7 as they do in XP, then as your computer is booting, you would need to press the "F8" (or whatever your documentation says) key continuously until you break into the various repair/recovery options.

In XP, you are usually given two options. A "Normal" recovery, which is supposed to reinstall the Operating System and retain your personal data, (I tried that once in XP, and it didn't), or a "Destructive" recovery, which completely wipes your hard drive, and then reinstalls Windows from the "Recovery Partition".

The documentation with your computer should tell you exactly what form of recovery options you have, or the staff at the shop where you bought it if it was a specialist PC shop.

At this point, don't bash ahead with anything you find, just do the initial investigating into what the options are on that particular computer, and then post back here, where there will probably be folk who have been through the process, and can therefore give you the benefit of their experience.

Hope that helps.

Hello Dennis (or so i think)

I actually called emachines myself and they managed to guide me through. My computer is now back to factory state with

most windows updates installed and THIS TIME i will NOT uninstall anything as bad as i may want to. I didn't need a disk

i just had to find the certain recovery console which was located under emachines in all programs. So as a lesson.. i

will not be using any registry cleaners in the future unless i learn every little thing about it.

Just wondering if i should still download ccleaner again ;D it stopped doing its job for some reason before i did this factory

reset so that's basically the only thing keeping me from getting it again.

- - - the certain recovery console which was located under emachines in all programs.

Happy ending. :)

I have an emachines and I would like to know exactly how to access it. Is it the emachines Recovery Center listed in the start menu?

Or is it the repair function in the uninstall list under Programs and Features?

Happy ending. :)

I have an emachines and I would like to know exactly how to access it. Is it the emachines Recovery Center listed in the start menu?

Or is it the repair function in the uninstall list under Programs and Features?

You're correct

Start > all programs > eMachines > eMachines Recovery management


So as a lesson.. i will not be using any registry cleaners in the future unless i learn every little thing about it.

Just wondering if i should still download ccleaner again ;D it stopped doing its job for some reason before i did this factory

reset so that's basically the only thing keeping me from getting it again.

I would assume your system was trashed and incapable of supporting CCleaner,

and no doubt many other applications would have also failed.

Now it is "Factory Fresh" CCleaner should be O.K.

I hate and fear missing shared DLL.

It tells me something terrible may have happened.

I do not see how CCleaner can undo the terrible whatever,

so I guess it merely cancels the warning flag.

M.$ Tech Support told me I had to remove .NET and re-install it before a security would take.

Windows REFUSED to uninstall and gave no error codes or reasons.

I used a tool supplied my a MSVP to tear out .NET 2,

and CCleaner showed thousands of missing shared DLL's - I only analyzed - cleaned nothing.

I Installed .NET 2 and most missing shared DLL's were no longer missing,

but there were a few dozen still absent.

I believe that when something is installed it may require the use of a common DLL.

If that DLL is absent then it incorporates it into the system and somewhere creates a flag with a value that says "in use by N=1 application".

If that DLL pre-exists then N is incremented.

When an application is uninstalled and no longer needs that DLL it should decrement the counter and test to see if anyone else still needs that DLL.

The DLL should be removed when no-one needs it anymore.

I believe the missing shared DLL's error simply indicates that an Application which needed the DLL and caused the increment to N, has not yet decremented N,

so the flag counter is saying someone needs this DLL but what is needed is now gone - tough.

If no applications need this DLL then I believe clearing the flag is a perfect solution.

If there is an application that still needs the DLL then the only solution is to re-install the DLL,

and I do not know if or how CCleaner would do that.

My .NET fiasco was several years ago.

I decided that I would not risk failure of essential applications due to missing and essential DLL's

so I restored the whole partition to how it had been before trying to remove .NET 2,

and accepted that the security patch would never stick, and depended on Comodo to continue protecting me.

That is my take on missing shared DLL's,

but I welcome any further information on this.


I'm pleased it's a happy ending as well Bryan. After being in your situation it must be a sweet feeling to be able to start again with a clean sheet.

If ever you do want to remove some of the "large" programs on your computer, you can always ask here first for advice, or simply google "how to uninstall *whatever*", and you'll be surprised as to how much useful info you can pick up as well as pitfalls to avoid.

Lots of applications have a dedicated "uninstall" tool, in particular security software such as AntiVirus packages.

Here's an example of how tricky some large applications are to remove. I chose this one as it's something you mentioned in your earlier posts:

Uninstall MS Works:

My advice would be to leave stuff "as is" until you reach a situation where shortage of space demands a clear out.

The only exception would maybe be your AntiVirus, which is probably a free trial of a commercial package. There's nothing to stop you running with it, but there are very good "freeware" alternatives available. If you decide to change, then research (including picking our brains) before you do anything.

Well done again in getting yourself sorted.

Why yes, yes it does feel good to start clean. Believe it or not i actually

run to google first before i ever come out of my way to a forum to do some

posting. Last time i uninstalled those programs i used ccleaners uninstall

tool to remove them which was probably not the best idea.

I'll definitely be leaving things alone haha it's nightmarish to even think

about pc problems. I DESPISE computer troubles although it's very interesting.

Yeah i think this thing has norton 60 day trial or some crap for now I'm

skipping it. I do plan on getting some freeware and removing norton but not

yet. (Wants to enjoy the computer again error free) hahahaha

Using this forum should help me with my problems nice group of people here

unlike some others i have visited where as i got no help what-so-ever.

Thank you all.


When you decide to uninstall Norton download from here and run the Norton Removal Tool. :)