I want to try Linux

What I really want to do is play around enough with Linux to the point where I feel slightly comfortable with it. I just want to do this so I can say I have experience using it coming out of college. And I've always been really interested in it :D

But anyway, which version do you think I should go with? There are too many for me to narrow down. And I'm guessing for my situation it would be best to go with one of those live CD's that you can run the whole OS off of the CD/DVD itself. I've looked into Knoppix, but still don't really have a clue. Can you guys give me some suggestions and also where to download these?

Its your lucky day! I dont know much about linux but right now a version called linspire wich usually costs money is giving away their program for a couple of days. It is probably the most user friendly, so I would try that and see if you can get the hang of it. Then you can get into the more hardcore geek versions.

Here is a link to the linspire site:


Here is where to get the offer for the free download:


lol. i hear Ubuntu Linux is also user-friendly

however i am a slackware user. get slackware


Signed up for my free copy, only trouble is there are almost 500 other people already lining up to download it, so I will have to wait a while to actually get it.

I always wanted to try a totally different operating system.

Signed up for my free copy, only trouble is there are almost 500 other people already lining up to download it, so I will have to wait a while to actually get it.

I always wanted to try a totally different operating system.

Get Azureus and use the bittorent link and you can get it right away.

Get Azureus and use the bittorent link and you can get it right away.

I'll do that tomorrow night or at the weekend, or I might try to do it at work, we have 4x faster connection in work than I have at home.

just dont get caught. p2p is considered illegal because there are a lot of pirated files going between users

btw:im not saying Azureus is illegal. the uses it's used for is. however there are some cases where p2p is used for saving bandwidth :)

just dont get caught. p2p is considered illegal because there are a lot of pirated files going between users

btw:im not saying Azureus is illegal. the uses it's used for is. however there are some cases where p2p is used for saving bandwidth :)

If your downloading legal files than bit torrent is perfectly legal. I use it to download these programs:


Now if your downloading music or movies than you will get in trouble.

unless it's done privately :)

downloaded the ubuntu linux, just one question how do u run it off the cd????

you use DAEMON Tools or some other software that is capable of "burning disc images" to a CD

i did this to my slackware yesterday and it works like a charm. i used Nero Express though ;)

you use DAEMON Tools or some other software that is capable of "burning disc images" to a CD

munjo asked "how do you run it off the cd?", not "how do you burn it to cd?".

rofl. nono you're missing my point. if you burned the .iso file to a CD, then the CD would only have the .iso file

if you burned the disc image to a CD with the .iso, then it would have the files that were contained in the ISO such as the Linux kernel, the K Desktop Enviroment, and all the other junk

edit:or if he already knew that and wanted to use Linux with a CD, then just put in the CD, restart and you're done :)

I might of wasted a disk then, I just burned the iso file to disk.

I want to run it from the disk, so what do I need to burn?

i think i explained that :P

you need to find an option to "Burn Disc Image"

btw:what do you use to burn CDs?

i think i explained that :P

you need to find an option to "Burn Disc Image"

btw:what do you use to burn CDs?

Nero 5

But do I want to burn just the iso or not?

Nero 5 needs to take the iso, decompress all the files, and place them on the CD

i used Nero too but i used Nero 6. if you have Nero SmartStart, then click this


if you dont, open Nero Express, click "Disc Image or Saved Project", select the .iso file, and let Nero do all the rest

Thanks Mangix, that seemed a bit more helpful.

What I really want to do is play around enough with Linux to the point where I feel slightly comfortable with it. I just want to do this so I can say I have experience using it coming out of college. And I've always been really interested in it :D

But anyway, which version do you think I should go with? There are too many for me to narrow down. And I'm guessing for my situation it would be best to go with one of those live CD's that you can run the whole OS off of the CD/DVD itself. I've looked into Knoppix, but still don't really have a clue. Can you guys give me some suggestions and also where to download these?

Have a link for the torrent? Their site is so clogged right now it's insane.

Have a link for the torrent? Their site is so clogged right now it's insane.

I dont have it. I didnt even try to get the offer yet. I guess I will do it just in case I do want to try it later.