I upgraded QT from 6.0 to 7.0 (I think they were the versions!). The only change may have been the inclusion of iTunes. All of my children are out of the house and they all have notebooks anyway, so I'll never use iTunes. In keeping with my obsession for a clean pc, I removed most of the iTune files with the exception of one help folder (only 500kbs). Whether I try to delete it through explorer or the right click context menu I get this text box. My question is: can I extract it to some place and then delete it? Thank You!
That does it, I'm going for both! Back to my original question though, how can you delete a file or folder when the only choices are Copy or Extract?
Getting both? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? Why not get the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack? That includes both the QuickTime and Real Alternatives, plus it lets you play DVDs and a million other video and audio formats. Also, the installer is smaller than QuickTime!
And back to your original question, just highlight the file or folder and hit Delete on the keyboard, or drag it into the Recycling Bin. Should get rid of it.
Otherwise, reinstall the whole app, and then uninstall it.