Do you guys like the new InstantSearch from Google? Well i LOVE it- it saves me 1 to 2 seconds a day.
I do a bit of programming so I kind off see how to improve on some front end stuff.
Would it not be nice to generate the Uninstall list as soon as the program opens - in a separate thread gather the data.
I mean how OLD is clicking a button and waiting for the list to generate.
But it would be nice if i click on Unistall and everything is there already or already somewhat loaded if I quickly click on to it.
You could do the registry thing the same? Analysing the HDD for waste might be overkill.. but why not??!
Dont get me wrong- when i want to unisntall something i open ccleaner- not control panel.
Common guys you know its the right thing todo!
Peter at spam link removed by moderator