Do you guys like the new InstantSearch from Google? Well i LOVE it- it saves me 1 to 2 seconds a day.

I do a bit of programming so I kind off see how to improve on some front end stuff.

Would it not be nice to generate the Uninstall list as soon as the program opens - in a separate thread gather the data.

I mean how OLD is clicking a button and waiting for the list to generate.

But it would be nice if i click on Unistall and everything is there already or already somewhat loaded if I quickly click on to it.

You could do the registry thing the same? Analysing the HDD for waste might be overkill.. but why not??!

Dont get me wrong- when i want to unisntall something i open ccleaner- not control panel.

Common guys you know its the right thing todo!


Peter at spam link removed by moderator

I have never once used ccleaners uninstaller. So why would i want it loaded?

I must say I agree ccleaner works really good

spam sig removed by moderator

How fast do you need CCleaner?

It loads in mere seconds on my machine.

You don't have malware slowing your system, or low amounts of RAM perhaps?

Have removed all spam links in this thread and banned users.

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