I need info on cccleaner registry

I am not a very sophisticated PC user.

I have been using the cleaner portion of cccleaner for a long time.

I recently bough TrendMicro Internet security. It brought my macine to its knees. The removal process is flawed. Reading through online posts I had their tech support help me fix my registry. It has been a nightmare.

The PC is back and working but it was suggested I look at my registry using cccleaner. When I scan for issues there are dozens ... all types. I am not blaming this all on TrendMicro but I would like to clean up the registry.

Of course not being a pro PC user ... touching the registry at all makes me nervous.

Is there some documentation I can read on the cccleaner registry options? What is something goes wrong?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hello debbie :)

here is a link to the beginners guide which you may find very useful


Also, just to put it briefly, when you do an issues clean you are offered the chance of backing up the reg entries you delete.

By default these are saved in 'my documents'

To restore these entries in case of problems after deleting them, right-click on them and choose merge.

I should be a little careful when modifying the registry until you're more familiar with it. I believe that CCleaner is a fairly safe registry cleaner, erring on the cautious side, but it's best to backup of course and then just clean a few known things at a time until you are more confident (I don't have a clean registry, I'm a little cautious too). If you see anything that obvoiusly belongs to software you no longer have, such as - in my case - AOL or McAfee, then clean that up. Delete entries one at a time and look at the reason that CC gives, if it says left over from an install or removal then it is probably OK to get rid of it.

I don't think that an untidy registry slows the PC down much, if at all. I guess the registry is indexed so the spare entries don't really do any harm, except as an afront to your sense of tidyness.

Welcome to Piriform Debby.

I shouldn't think that CCleaner would cause any problems with cleaning the registry. I would make sure your system restore is functioning and up to date. Then if you find any problems or things don't work correctly you can always do a system restore.

Make sure that in Options\Advanced that Show prompt to backup registry issues is checked then you can always save a reg file for what is removed. You just double-click on the saved reg file to put the registry back have it was before. ;)