I need a file called vftps133.exe.

I need a file called vftps133.exe. I cannot find it anywhere! It is for an IBM ThinkPad Notebook. If anyone knows where to find it or if anyone could send it to me that would be great. Thanks.

Go to IBM's website here:

http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/homeLenovo.do You need to input info such as the exact ThinkPad you own, etc in order to download drivers and software.

I need a file called vftps133.exe. I cannot find it anywhere! It is for an IBM ThinkPad Notebook. If anyone knows where to find it or if anyone could send it to me that would be great. Thanks.

IBM's website does not support my ThinkPad model, the 360.

I need a file called vftps133.exe. I cannot find it anywhere! It is for an IBM ThinkPad Notebook. If anyone knows where to find it or if anyone could send it to me that would be great. Thanks.

Hopefully this is the file you need driverguide.com although they are listing it as for model 755c.