I nedd some help


Where is here some web gallery about site creators?

I'm need it.

For example, as here - Google, I'm really have seen it


Good luck!

It's difficult to tell what you want since I don't understand exactly what you've wrote but is this some sort of spam?

You've posted the same question on Hydrogenaudio.org.

Seen him in a coupla other forums asking the same question.

He must be going for a world record on the amount of forums you can join.

Google his name and you'll see what I mean.

Seen him in a coupla other forums asking the same question.

He must be going for a world record on the amount of forums you can join.

Google his name and you'll see what I mean.

Snort! Found him on the Laser Hair Removal Forums! (and I'm not joking, BTW!)

Must be an advertiser for Google, since that is the only link he gave. Like they need ads. :rolleyes:

Evidently it's some sort of uneducated spam that doesn't make any damned sense because his posts have been removed from various other forums.

Time for this thread to be deleted too!