I might be considered dumb for asking this.

As a suggestion; I would like to know if Ccleaner already does or can clean and or wipe out any memory that might be kept from surfing the web? I have heard of a file that keeps all of the HTTP site that you have ever visited. All of them in the numerical format.

That it can only be found in DOS and in safe mode or during boot up. Is this just some conspiracy ? Down here in San Antonio, Texas Microsoft built this really large building way outside of town where no one lives. And right across the street the NSA built its' own large building. This is literally fact. You can drive down the highway and snap pictures of the two of these buildings across the road from each other. I appreciate that Piriform Ltd updates CCleaner so often. As Windows evolves so does CCleaner. I just feel better knowing I have someone in my corner helping out.

Perhaps you're thinking of Internet Explorer's index.dat files? Because in the past before CCleaner existed it was easy to get rid of them in MS-DOS mode in old OSes like Win9x, etc.

CCleaner deals with index.dat, Adobe Flash normal cookies and super cookies, etc.

No such thing as a dumb question Obi-Ron.

If you or anyone else are wondering about something, then simply ask the question and you'll get a respectful answer.

Just thought I'd mention that. :)

NTUSER.DAT and hiberfil.sys

NTUSER.DAT and hiberfil.sys

NTUSER.DAT is part of the users Windows registry, helps to explain such so people don't try to delete it. ;)