I have a question along with a critique

CCleaner has the worst subscription model on the internet. I can't log into YOUR site and view / see my subscriptions and software licenses. You are currently having a 50% off sale. I just renewed for another year but I would like to add years to my subscription. If I purchased another year would it go onto the same license or a separate license.

I was furious that I had to cancel my previous years subscription just to renew my software to the next years subscription at the discounted rate you were running at the time.

What are you thinking with your subscription management? There is no way to see my purchases or renew my same license. Your renewal model doesn't include any specials you maybe running at the time. You just blindly hope people will go for the extreme highest price you charge for your product when they renew.

Your product is good and I pay for it. But the business and management of this product is severely lacking. I would expect I could open an account buy the product and manage my product from the same login. Allowing a fulfillment house to process orders and deliver the software isn't cutting it. You guys are too big to act like a shotty little software house.

All excellent suggestions, and you will be pleased to know that we already thought of them.

3 hours ago, Mors said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I can't log into YOUR site and view / see my subscriptions and software licenses

It is, admittedly, not particularly well labelled, but you can retrieve information on all of your licences, their registration information, expiry dates and download links at any time from https://www.ccleaner.com/support/license-lookup by providing the email address that you used when you purchased CCleaner. Note that since this is sent to your email address there is no need for a separate password to access this information. (This is by design - we know that users recycle passwords between systems and we really don't want to be responsible for looking after millions of them.)

3 hours ago, Mors said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I was furious that I had to cancel my previous years subscription just to renew my software to the next years subscription at the discounted rate you were running at the time. 

That would have been frustrating - so I am probably going to be worsening your irritation level by telling you that you didn't actually have to go through that. Read on to find out more ...

3 hours ago, Mors said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Your renewal model doesn't include any specials you maybe running at the time

A couple of months before a customer's licence is due to expire, we start actively promoting early-bird/customer loyalty discount offers - both by email and pop-up messages from the CCleaner product itself. Generally speaking, the best value offers are only available to existing customers, but if one of the public offers catches your eye then of course feel free to grab it at any time.

3 hours ago, Mors said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I just renewed for another year but I would like to add years to my subscription

If it is the same level product that you currently have (CCleaner Professional to CCleaner Professional, or CCleaner Professional Plus to CCleaner Professional Plus) or it is an upgrade (CCleaner Professional to CCleaner Professional Plus) and you do this within 90 days of when your existing licence is due to expire then the system will assume that your intention was to use this as a renewal, and will credit the remaining time from your old licence onto your new one. Outside of this period the system does not make such assumptions, but if you email the CCleaner support team (support@ccleaner.com) from your registered email address with "merge licences" in the subject line somewhere we have people managing a constant stream of these requests. See here for details: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039530092-Will-I-lose-any-time-on-my-subscription-if-I-take-an-offer-to-renew-early-

One glaring omission from the CCleaner product console, however, is a "renew" button - you have to wait until one of the renewal offers pops up, which might not always be at the most convenient time. The designers have been working on how this would be best integrated into the product console over the past few weeks and prototypes went through user testing earlier this week. I would expect to see this appear in the product in one of our releases later this year.

4 hours ago, Mors said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Allowing a fulfillment house to process orders and deliver the software isn't cutting it

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one. Handling the licence and subscription management is indeed part of our core business, but the transaction processing is best done through a specialist online reseller. If we don't want to be looking after passwords then we really really do not want to be looking after credit card numbers. That only makes sense for large enterprises doing over $1B a year in transactions, who can absorb the overhead of properly managing their own in-house e-commerce platform, or small businesses under < $1M a year. Anyone in-between is asking for trouble ...