In Opera, a page never loads until I click the Reload button. For example, if I typed, I would have to press the Reload button to make the site appear. What is the problem?
Also, are there any ad-blocking widgets for Opera?
Please help someone!
Also, are there any ad-blocking widgets for Opera?
You can add filters to Opera but there are no widgets for ad blocking. Look here for filters.
In Opera, a page never loads until I click the Reload button. For example, if I typed, I would have to press the Reload button to make the site appear. What is the problem?
Some pages just don't work well in Opera. I don't come across many anymore but there are still a few. One thing you can try is to change how Opera identifies it's self. When you find a page that doesn't load properly right click a select "Edit Site Preferences" In the dialog that opens select the "Network Tab". At the bottom you we see a selection box to change how Opera identifies it's self. Try changing it to FireFox or IE.
Thanks for the help Anthony! I'll try your instructions! ![:)]()
EDIT: Could you kinda explain how I add each of these stuff to Opera? I'm kind of confused with where to put everything...
Did you mean it happens with all pages you try to load?
Are you getting lots of ad popups?
Antivirus scans etc up to date?
Perhaps you could try clearing your browser cache as well.
It's not happening anymore now, Hazel and Anthony. A quick reinstall fixed everything!
Also, I got your ad-blocking suggestion to work. You have to edit a specific file. Thanks for all the help everyone!
EDIT: One more question: Is there anyway to stop History from getting recorded in Opera?
You could always go opera-tools-preferences-advanced-history-tick empty on exit-ok
Are you hiding something ![:)]()
Anyway, I don't exactly see an option to clear History on exit in Opera 9.5 Beta 2
You want to go here

Set your options there.
If by history you also mean cookies Opera can be set to clean cookies on exit. You can easily white list cookies you want to keep as well